In the coming months, Hesston community members will begin to see a transformation to the corner of south Main Street and Hickory Street as a new building takes shape. This construction will be the direct result of the completion of Schowalter Villa’s A Private Home for Everyone Campaign.

In April of 2016, Schowalter Villa, a Bluestem Community, launched the public phase of its $6.1 million campaign to create private health care rooms for all residents and construct a new, two-story assisted living building. While primarily focused on creating private rooms and a new, assisted living building, the project also includes two, new classrooms for the Hesston Community Child Care and a face lift to the corner of Hickory and Main Street which will entail new walking paths for the broader community to enjoy.

“The success of this campaign is the direct result of many generous donors. We are grateful for the support from 266 individuals, our campaign steering committee and our prayer committee who have all believed in this important project for the Schowalter Villa community and walked alongside us throughout this campaign,” said chief philanthropy officer, Yvonne Sieber.

The new assisted living building will be named in honor of Roy and Bess Mullet in recognition of lead gifts from Excel Industries and the Mullet family. Roy Mullet was the founder of Excel Industries located in Hesston; he and Bess were Schowalter Villa residents for over a decade. The couple had five sons, each of whom is supporting the project.

“We are extremely thankful for the generosity demonstrated by Excel Industries and the Mullet family. They, along with many others, have played a significant role in helping this project become a reality for our current and future residents,” noted James Krehbiel, CEO/president of Bluestem Communities.

Construction of the project is scheduled to begin in May 2017. Hutton Construction is the selected contractor and Howard + Helmer is the project architect. The project is anticipated to be complete in 12 months.

“Throughout this campaign, time and time again we have seen donors giving because of their passion for the mission of Schowalter Villa and the history of quality care we provide,” said Sieber. “The number of individuals living outside of the Hesston community giving to this project is an indicator of the positive impression Schowalter Villa and the city of Hesston leave on one’s life.”

For more information, contact Morgan Redding, Director of Communications at (316) 836-4837.

Congratulations on this exciting venture!