Workforce Initiatives: What’s Working

This 18-minute QuickCast provides an overview of pressing workforce issues facing LeadingAge members and the promising practices and resources available to help address them.

Why Home Health Workers Leave Their Jobs

This 12-minute QuickCast provides an overview of the underlying factors and other variables that impact home health workers' intention to leave their jobs.

Promising Practice Monthly Feature

Having issues finding qualified staff for your community? LeadingAge Illinois reached out to their state Department of Human Services Division of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) for help after learning about a program providing training to disabled...

Seeking Nominations for Heroes in Aging

You have exceptional people working in your organizations and we want to help you highlight and promote them. LeadingAge Kansas recently launched a great image booster for our field called “Heroes in Aging” to highlight...

February Workforce Matters Newsletter

Check out the latest Workforce Matters from LeadingAge National: New Podcast Featuring Leaders in our Field: The Mentor’s Voice is LeadingAge’s latest podcast featuring stories and advice from leaders in our field.Explore Different Staffing Models...

PHI Newsletter – Quality Care Through Quality Jobs

Check out the latest PHI newsletter articles: Direct Care Jobs Rely on Long-Term Care FinancingCOVID-19's Impact on CNAs and Residential Care AidesA Racial Justice Response to COVID-19Wage Pass-Through Laws for Direct Care Workers

Practical Tips to Support Your Employees Mental Well-Being

We can only imagine the constant stress that you and your employees are feeling during this ongoing pandemic. And, we understand that this stress extends to staff whose children are going to school online,...


Careers in Aging Week - virtual of course - will be April 24 - May 1. More details coming soon.

Help Your Employees Advance Their Education Through a Foundation Scholarship

We are pleased to announce that the LeadingAge Kansas Foundation is now taking applications for their annual Scholarship opportunity. Members will receive a poster in the mail this week to hang in the breakroom...

Workforce Word for 2020 – Culture

We hear it every day – Workforce is the number one issue keeping members up at night. Recruiting and retaining a committed, qualified workforce is more difficult than ever. We can point to many...

Op-Ed by Katie Sloan on OIGs Investigation into Nursing Home Staffing

Read the Op-Ed by LeadingAge CEO Katie Sloan, published in The Hill (political newspaper widely read by Members of Congress and their staffs) last week - a commentary on recent hearings looking into nursing home safety, and...

TeamSTEPPS® Tools: Using SBAR to Your Advantage

No, SBAR isn’t a new nutrient packed snack bar. Yes, it does work! This tool helps communicate critical information and elicit a response. Nurses are already familiar with the tool, but the use of...