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Governor Colyer Signs Executive Order to Create State Alzheimer’s Disease Working Group

LeadingAge Kansas President/CEO was on hand last Friday evening in Wichita when Governor Jeff Colyer signed Executive Order 18-14. The Working Group is charged to: Assess the current and future impact of Alzheimer’s disease on...

HCBS Settings Rule: Important Message for HCBS Providers

KDADS needs to know specifically who to contact regarding the HCBS Setting Final Rule at each HCBS provider organization/agency. Please use this form to indicate who is the most appropriate representative at your organization/agency to receive...

KDHE Hays Medicaid Training Opportunity

KDHE Division of Health Care Finance is offering Medicaid Training courses in Hays, KS on May 8, 2018. The courses in this curriculum provide an overview of Kansas Medicaid Waivers, HCBS Eligibility, Working Healthy/WORK with...

Bedrail Guidance from CMS

Get CMS’s latest guidance on these questions: Are all bedrails considered to be physical restraints?  Does CMS expect bed rails to be removed from a bed between residents?  Would the steps of assessment, consent,...

Active Shooters and Door Stops in Healthcare

There has recently been some questions being asked about healthcare and their ability to use door stops as an extra precaution for an Active Shooter scenario. This is the response from CMS to the...

Take Action – Contact Congress and Tell Them To End the Mandatory CNA Training...

Current law has a severe penalty that causes nursing homes with fines over a certain level ($10,483 as of 2017) to automatically lose their ability to train CNAs for two years - even if...

More on KDADS Contracting With HMS to do Surveys

Last week we sent out an Information Alert about KDADS contracting with Healthcare Management Solutions (HMS) to work on the backlog of nursing home surveys.  The contract goes through the end of the year. ...

Attn: MDS Coordinators – Care Area Assessments

Chapter 4 of the RAI Manual is one of the least read and more important for quality outcomes. A Care Area Assessment (CAA) triggers when an MDS response item is answered in a certain...

Rumor Mill Alert – Yes, KDADS Plans to Fill Key Vacancies

KDADS Survey, Certification and Credentialing Commissioner Brad Fischer reports that the Agency plans to fill vacancies created by the departures of Regional Manager Alana Johnston, Quality Improvement Director Melissa Mille and RAI Coordinator Shirley...

NFPA 96 Hood/Duct Cleaning

There is a change for cleaning kitchen exhaust hood and ducts that CMS recently brought to the attention of the Fire Marshal’s office. These following requirements will NOT be cited by the OSFM until...

Locking Devices During a Firing Drill

The Kansas Fire Marshal has requested that we distribute information they received from CMS about the need to evaluate locking devices during fire drills.  Read the guidance.

KC Metro Regional Emergency Preparedness for LTC

The KC Metro Regional Healthcare Coalition held a special meeting for area long-term care providers in April. Tim Allin, Executive Director at Aberdeen Village was in attendance. He reported that the meeting was very...