WICHITA, Kan. Six-year-old Dane Helton, and 80-year-old Marvin Maxfield never met before a recent trip to the waiting room of the Grene Vision office on Maize Road.

“He actually has a rare genetic disorder, called ATRX,” explained Deann Helton, Dane’s mom. “He’s non-verbal, but he’s a very happy little boy.”

Dane was at the office for his annual visit, when something strange happened.

“Dane is just kind of a special being. I think he can pick up on other people’s kindness,” remembered Carl Bilson, Deann’s boyfriend, who has known Dane most his life. “This is the first time I’ve ever seen him do it.”

What Dane did, was make his way over to a stranger, who was playing the harmonica for another young girl, trying to cheer her up.

“I started playing, and he found his way over to me and got on my lap and started smiling,” said Maxfield. “It made my day.”

It’s not uncommon to find Marvin playing his harmonica inside the waiting room of a doctor’s office. As an employee of the Attica Long Term Care facility, Marvin drives residents back and forth to their doctor’s appointments.

“It’s just a great way for me to continue to do something good for other people, because God has been awfully good to me,” Marvin smiled.

Along with his current job, Marvin is an Air Force veteran, a successful businessman, a musician, a part-time clown, a multiple patent owner, and a philanthropist.

“I retired for about 6 months,” chuckled Marvin.

Marvin lives every day, to make other’s better. Just like Dane that day at the doctor’s office.

“It was just a very sweet, positive interaction for him,” said Deann.

And for Marvin, a chance to do what he loves.

“I just thank God every day for every little smile,” Marvin said. “It’s important that we love one another, and we shouldn’t be ashamed to show it. If you don’t reach out to people and let them know that you care, then how do you know?”

Watch the story.

Article by Jacob Albracht