MedlinePlus is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM). Their website contains an abundance of free, high-quality, relevant health and wellness information that is trusted, easy to understand, and free of advertising, in both English and Spanish. It should be one of the places your team goes to find information for residents, families, and for community education and outreach.  Check it out.

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Rachel Monger, JD, LACHA is President/CEO. Rachel spent her first 12 years at LeadingAge Kansas as a powerhouse advocate and leading voice for our membership and for the aging services field. Now, as President and CEO, she is committed to maintaining a laser focus on advocacy efforts and investing more resources toward ensuring members remain leaders in aging services. Rachel received a bachelor's degree at Bard College at Simon's Rock in Massachusetts and her Juris Doctorate at the University of Kansas School of Law. When asked why she works at LeadingAge Kansas, Rachel replied, “I believe strongly in the mission of LeadingAge Kansas, and I am humbled every day knowing so many truly special people allow us to be their voice in Topeka and beyond.” You can reach Rachel directly at 785.670.8046.