Jamie Frazier, President and CEO of Lakeview Village in Lenexa, has announced his retirement in mid-October after serving Lakeview Village for more than 10 years. Jamie began working in senior housing in 1986 following another 10-year career in Oklahoma and has worked in local, regional and national positions throughout his career. The board of directors has selected Robbie Clausen, Lakeview’s current CFO, to follow Jamie. Robbie began working as CFO at Lakeview more than 10 years ago. Robbie is a CPA with degrees in accounting and computer science and has been a licensed nursing home administrator. He has worked in senior housing and services his entire career, beginning work with his father who owned and operated nursing homes, assisted living, therapy companies, home health, pharmacy and construction. Congratulations on your retirement, Jamie! We have enjoyed working with you and wish you health and happiness in your act 2.