KHPOP May Be an Opportunity For Members to Find Employees

The Kansas Health Profession Opportunity Project (KHPOP) is intended to provide healthcare education, training and employment to Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients and other low-income individuals....

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a Federal tax credit available to employers who hire and retain veterans and individuals from other target groups with significant barriers to employment. Employers claim about $1...

Cooperatives: A Form that Can Help Solve Workforce Issues

The past week or so has seen a number of articles acknowledge the ever-more-looming workforce issues of home health aides. This attention comes from a new report published by PHI, a nonprofit research group...

Are Your Best Managers Preventing Progress?

Gaurav Gupta, principle of Kotter International recently wrote an article about how to support managers to lead progress instead of protect the status quo.  Here is an excerpt from that article. The best managers are...

UST Survey of Nonprofits on Unemployment & Employee Benefits

Survey Objective: To help identify current trends surrounding unemployment and employee benefit practices within the nonprofit community. The survey closes at COB on September 13th.  START NOW.  Participants will be entered to win a...

LeadingAge Kansas Workforce Commission Focuses on Strategy

The LeadingAge Kansas Workforce Commission met last week and conducted a strategic planning session to help guide the work of the association in this area.  The group spent the day talking about how we affect...

Recognizing Employees Is the Simplest Way to Improve Morale

In a recent Harvard Business Review Article, David Novack talks about how a health system recognized his Oncologist for her 40+ years of saving lives.  They sent her a plastic keychain which was clearly...

Project ECHO: A Proven Approach

The Project ECHO approach to leveraging the primary care workforce in rural and other medically underserved areas was developed in 2003 by Sanjeev Arora, M.D., a University of New Mexico gastroenterologist who wanted to find a...

Wage and Salary Report Now Available

LeadingAge Kansas and KHCA recently teamed up with National Research Corporation to prepare the 2016 Wage and Salary Report for Kansas.  Two reports were published, one was for Nursing Homes and the other for...

The Hands and Hearts That Make Our Work Possible – Workforce Issue of the...

The Hands and Hearts That Make Our Work Possible – Workforce Issue of the LeadingAge Magazine - By Gene Mitchell, editor While working on this issue I had a conversation with Adam Suomala of LeadingAge Minnesota,...

Staff Retention for Quality and Growth

In an article for LeadingAge Magazine, Debra Wood writes about Staff Retention.  Aging services remains a people field. Caregivers and clients build relationships, leading to better outcomes. That being the case, retaining frontline and...

Need Help with Payroll-Based Journal Reporting? Sign up for OnShift and Receive 33%...

On July 1, 2016 CMS mandated that long-term care organizations are now required to submit staffing and census information using the CMS Payroll-based Journal (PBJ) system. This represents a significant change from the current...