Thanks to Those Who Participated in Careers in Aging Services Week

We would like to give a big thank you to those members who participated in Careers in Aging Services Week! Nation-wide it was a big hit on social media. Here is what members who...

Onboarding Toolkit: Principle 5 Teamwork and Building Relationships in the Workplace

We have reached the final week of highlighting the components of the Onboarding Toolkit. We hope that you find this resource helpful and useful. The 5th Principle is about Teambuilding and Building Relationships in the Workplace. Watch...

LeadingAge Weighs in on Teens Operating Patient Lifts 

The Department of Labor recently issued a proposed rule that would remove the current restrictions on the operation of patient lifts by nursing home employees under age 18. LeadingAge National filed comments in support of this...

Onboarding Toolkit Principle 4: Career Pathways and Role Specific Challenges

Here are the specifics about Principle 4 in the Onboarding Toolkit found on our website. Watch the video and then utilize the tools to help implement this section. Facilitator Guide Readiness Assessment Training - Working in...

New Wage Reports from Medicaid Cost Report Data

LeadingAge Kansas is pleased to provide nursing home members with wage data captured from cost report data from 2015-2017. The following pages include hourly wages for all positions reported on the cost report. The reports...

Careers in Aging Week is Next Week

We are gearing up for the 2nd annual Careers in Aging Week and this year it will be rolled out nationwide.  Here are several tools to help you next week: LeadingAge Kansas CIAW Week Toolkit LeadingAge...

Onboarding Toolkit Focus: Principle 3, Leveraging an Organization’s Mission, Vision and Values

Over the past several weeks, we have highlighted the first three sections of our resource-rich Employee Onboarding Toolkit. This week we focus on Principle 3: Leveraging and Organization’s Mission, Vision and Values. To access the tools,...

Careers in Aging Services Week – March 4-9

Careers in Aging Services Week is right around the corner! We hope you participate and help us raise the image of our field and help recruit new individuals into our field. Here are a...

Onboarding Toolkit: This Week We Feature Principle 2 – Introduction to the Organization’s Culture

Each week we are featuring a section of the Onboarding Toolkit.  This section focuses on the Organization’s Culture. The tools listed below are what you will find in the toolkit. Start by watching the video and...

New Research: 7.8 Million Direct Care Jobs Will Need to Be Filled by 2026

BY STEPHEN CAMPBELL, PHI In a recent conversation, a state labor economist from Pennsylvania casually mentioned to me that every state has added new measures of “occupational separations” to their employment projections. I was intrigued: What are...

Workforce Innovators Podcast: Working With Local Universities

LeadingAge National has recently released a new “Workforce Innovators Podcast,” featuring Laura Edwards, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Rikki Brady, Vice President for Health Services/Administrator at Clark-Lindsey Village and Wendy Bartlo, Outreach Specialist, University of Illinois at...

Make Plans to Participate in Careers in Aging Services Week March 4-9

CIAW is an excellent opportunity for members to shine in their communities and hopefully gain a few employees in the process. We have developed a CIAW toolkit to help members prepare and plan to have students...