Home Week of October 3rd

Week of October 3rd

Thank You to All These Great Fall Exhibitors and Sponsors

We extend our sincere thanks to all the exhibitors who supported our members by participating in the 2024 LeadingAge Kansas Fall Conference. If your organization isn't listed and you'd like to join us at...

Join Us for an Exciting Evening at the LeadingAge National Annual Meeting!

All LeadingAge Kansas members are invited to the Midwest State Night on Sunday, October 27, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Redneck Riviera.  Learn more about the State Night Out and register here.  Interested in...

Finance & Reimbursement Workshop November 10th – Emporia, KS

The world of finance and reimbursement is ever-changing and complex. Organizations must stay on top of the latest trends and tips for their financial success. This workshop provides valuable information on topics vital to...

Which Voter Registration Form Should You Be Using?

If you are conducting a voter registration drive for your residents and employees, you may be confused about all of the new court rulings about Kansas Voter Identification Laws.  After sorting through the recent...

State Night Out at LeadingAge National Conference – October 30th

LeadingAge Kansas would like to invite you to join us in Indianapolis on Sunday, October 30th for the Midwest State Night Out. The event will be held from 6:00 – 8:00 PM at NCAA Hall...

2016 Policy & Leadership Conference Connected Us to Advocate

We had a great time last week at the Policy & Leadership conference in Junction City, KS. Many important regulatory and policy topics were covered. While it wasn’t information the attendees wanted to hear...

Webinar – New CMS Conditions of Participation: Recap & Questions with Rachel

Join Rachel Monger, Director of Government Affairs on October 25th from 11:00 AM – 12:00 noon for a focus on the Phase One Implementation of the CMS revisions to the federal regulations for nursing homes. Come...

CMS Survey & Regulations Workshop

Save this important date for an for our CMS Survey and Regulations Workshop on December 8th . Join us to prepare for the new CMS Conditions of Participation. We will also cover how to prepare for survey and the new...

Assisted Living Summit in One Week

We are only one week away from the 2016 Assisted Living Summit. Don’t miss the opportunity to join Patty Brown (KDADS) who will help guide you through the important regulations and tools you need to...

HCBS Financial Template

KDHE has contracted with Optumas, an actuary and consulting firm, to study the adequacy of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) service payment rates. To assist with that study, Optumas has developed a financial...

All MCO Training Scheduled

The KanCare MCO’s have scheduled another collaborative session with training for medical and institutional providers.  The Topeka session is October 20th and the Wichita session is November 8th. Some topics that will be covered include: ...

Survey KUDOS

Congratulations to the following members who have had great surveys over the last several weeks: Sterling Presbyterian Manor recently received a zero deficiency annual survey.  Congratulations to Mike Rajewski and his entire team!  The surveyors...