REAC Physical Inspections: A Review of Protocol Changes and Current Expectations

In 1998, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) began doing physical inspections for all Section 8 housing, public housing, HUD-insured multifamily housing, and other HUD assisted housing (collectively, HUD housing) using...

More on KDADS Contracting With HMS to do Surveys

Last week we sent out an Information Alert about KDADS contracting with Healthcare Management Solutions (HMS) to work on the backlog of nursing home surveys.  The contract goes through the end of the year. ...

US Senate Committee Workforce Hearing

The US Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP), of which Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas is a member, recently heard testimony from several witnesses on the growing shortage of health care professionals...

LeadingAge National Center for Workforce Solutions Resources

LeadingAge National Center for Workforce Solutions Resources. Get a PowerPoint presentation on aging services to help you talk with your local high school students, information on promising workforce practices from around the country, a “cost-of-turnover”...

Looking for Special Days/Events?

Looking for special days/events for residents and staff to celebrate the rest of the year?  Check out the National Day Calendar.

Have You Submitted Your Program Service Revenue Yet?

We are seeking Program Service Revenue in order to figure dues for 2019. We know it is early, however we are getting ready to develop our budget to be approved by our board. We...

Time is Running Out to Apply for The Center for Leadership

Don’t miss another chance to hone your leadership skills and pick up new connections and tools to lead your department or organization into the future. The deadline for applications is July 1, 2018. Learn more...

KDADS Seeks Your Help to Update Kansas Alzheimer’s/Memory Care Special Care Unit List

Please take a look at the current list of Alzheimer's/Memory Care/Special Care Units and send any updates you have to SCC Commissioner Brad Fischer.

Attn: MDS Coordinators – Care Area Assessments

Chapter 4 of the RAI Manual is one of the least read and more important for quality outcomes. A Care Area Assessment (CAA) triggers when an MDS response item is answered in a certain...

Financial Fraud Targeting Older Americans

According to the 2018 Fraud Book , produced by the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, older Americans are scammed for nearly $3 billion each year. The top 10 scams reported in 2017 were: IRS Impersonation...

Sunflower Health Plan Summer Provider Orientation

Sunflower Health Plan will be hosting a Summer Provider Orientation Webinar on June 29th at 12:00 pm. This will be a quarterly new provider and refresher orientation. They will provide information on Sunflower’s processes...