Home Week of March 19th

Week of March 19th

7 Ways to Judge a Retirement Community’s Financial Health

In this NY Times article, you will learn more about Jack and Valerie Cumming and their search for financial peace of mind in their search for a Life Plan Community. Read more about retirement...

Legislative Update | Week of March 19th

Committees Finish Up Work Most legislative committees finished up their work today in anticipation of First Adjournment on April 6th. Only “exempt” committees are allowed to continue meeting, and working on bills. Exempt committees are...

Make Plans to Join Us for our Spring Conference April 24th and 25th

Creating a workplace culture of innovation, workforce initiatives at the national level and compassion fatigue will be the topics of focus for this year’s conference, April 24th and 25th in Wichita, Kansas.   Opening Keynote - Attracting Top...

Capital Needs Assessment e-Tool Training for PRAC Providers

Mandatory use of the CNA e-tool went into effect as of November 1, 2017, for all FHA-insured program application. For the PRAC programs, however (including Section 202 or 811 with PRAC assistance, but not an insured...

2018 County Health Rankings and Roadmaps – How is Your County’s Health?

Johnson County ranks healthiest in Kansas and Republic County is the least healthy county in the state, according to the ninth annual County Health Rankings, released March 14, 2018 by the Robert Wood Johnson...

Spring 2018 Joint Provider Workshop – April 3rd in Wichita and April 4th in...

Mental Illness, Dementia and Self-Reporting to KDADS will be the topics of discussion at this Spring’s Joint Provider training hosted by KACE. Register for Spring 2018 Joint Provider by visiting KACE’s website or filling out the registration...

Spring Conference Exhibitor Booths Filling Up

Have you registered for your booth at our Spring Conference Expo on April 24th in Wichita? Booths filling up, so you need to register soon for good booth placement. We are featuring a Mobile...

National Quality Forum Releases Opioid Stewardship Playbook

The National Quality Forum released a new, comprehensive guide to help frontline providers more safely and effectively manage patient and resident pain. The National Quality Forum’s National Quality Partners Playbook™: Opioid Stewardship provides essential guidance for healthcare...

2018-19 KING Renewal

Members who are signed up for KING premium payment through ACH had their 2018-19 premium deposit pulled on March 15th, as stated on your renewal invoice. If you have not yet signed up for ACH...

Webinar: Sexuality in Long-Term Care

Register now and join Gayle Doll, PhD, Director for the Kansas State University Center on Aging May 8th from 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM, as she presents a webinar on Sexuality in Long-Term Care, which...

Influences on Care Preferences of Older People with Advanced Illness

Check out this article, "Influences on Care Preferences of Older People with Advanced Illness," from the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

KanCare All MCO Spring 2018 Training

KanCare will be hosting their Spring 2018 Training Sessions again. This is a great opportunity to train new billing staff and a refresher for current staff. It’s also a way to make personal connections...