PEAK 2.0 Newsletter Published

Check out the latest issue of the PEAK 2.0 Newsletter and learn about personhood and dementia, best practices, resident choice and regulations, and KCCI domain score summaries.

KDADS Updated Organizational Chart

Due to frequent turnover and staffing changes, many members have been unsure who the contact person for different programs. We have now obtained the most up-to-date organizational chart from the Kansas Department for Aging...

Check Out CMS’s New Hospice Compare Website

CMS posted the new Hospice Compare website. The site displays information in a ready-to­­-use format and provides a snapshot of the quality of care each hospice facility offers to its patients.

Federal Judge Invalidates White Collar Overtime Rule

As expected, a Federal judge in Texas struck down a final rule promulgated by the U.S. Department of Labor under the Obama administration that nearly doubled the salary threshold for the Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales...

Medicare Learning Network Program: Nursing Home Facility Assessment Tool and SOM Revisions Call —...

The call will be held on Thursday, September 7th, from 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Central Time. During this call, learn about the new Facility Assessment Tool to help identify and develop the specific assessment of your facility. Also,...

HOC Welcomes New Licensing Administrator

Wendy Davis has joined the staff of Health Occupations Credentialing as Licensing Administrator responsible for the credentialing of Adult Care Home Administrators, Operators, Dietitians, Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists. Wendy replaces Brenda Drehr, who has...

Let Your Voice Be heard – Attend Senator Moran Listening Tour This Week

As you know, we have been on an all-out push to have members advocate directly with our Kansas Congressional Delegation about survey and enforcement madness, preserving the federal commitment to Medicaid funding for services...

New Interactive Data Maps on Market Saturation, Beneficiaries

Providers have a new tool to help them make informed decisions about the locations where they offer services and the beneficiaries they serve. CMS released new interactive maps showing market saturation and beneficiary data...

New I9 Forms Released by US Citizenship and Immigration Service

Form I-9 is used for verifying the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. All U.S. employers must ensure proper completion of Form I-9 for each individual they...

Fire Door Inspections: Important Changes from CMS

CMS distributed an S&C letter Monday afternoon to State Fire Marshals regarding requirements for fire door inspections, and the time frame facilities have to comply with the new requirements. Read the letter for more information.

CMS Tips for Fire Alarm System Testing

CMS recently shared information with the Kansas Fire Marshal pertaining to fire alarm system inspection, testing and maintenance. Read the note from CMS.

Hospice News

CMS has announced that Hospice Notice of Elections (NOEs) can be filed electronically as of January 1, 2018. Currently, NOEs are only able to be submitted using Direct Data Entry or paper claim submissions. The electronic data interchange submissions...