Home Week of February 12th

Week of February 12th

Legislative Update | Week of February 12th

Electronic Monitoring Passes Senate HB 2232, the bill allowing electronic monitoring in adult care homes, was approved by the Kansas Senate on Thursday afternoon with a unanimous vote.  As a reminder, HB 2232 underwent further...

Claridge Court Seniors and Local Children Team up to Create Valentine’s Day Surprise for...

Prairie Village Retirement Community Hosts Local Third-Graders to Make Valentine’s and Shower the Love at VA Hospital. Claridge Court, a Life Care community in Prairie Village, is creating Valentine’s Day cards for people at the...

Solomon Valley Manor Celebrates Golden Anniversary

  Solomon Valley Manor in Stockton celebrated their 50th year on Monday, January 29th, with an open house. January 29, 1968 was the day the first resident's moved in to Solomon Valley Manor. They will...

Covenant Place in Lenexa Changes Name to Westchester Village

Westchester Village was purchased by Pivotal Healthcare and is now a for-profit provider. Due to this change, they have become a “Subscriber” of LeadingAge Kansas. Congratulations on the change, and we look forward to...

Final Call: LeadingAge Kansas Dues Deadline This Thursday

  February 15 is the deadline for all dues to be paid to LeadingAge Kansas. If you have questions about your invoice, or are unable to locate it, please contact Tina Andres, Director of Business Operations...

Have You Visited the LeadingAge National Center for Workforce Solutions Website Lately?

The LeadingAge Center for Workforce Solutions was launched 6 months ago and has had a lot of visitors– we hope that you were one of them. If you haven’t had the chance to check it out, the...

ATTN SW Kansas Members: Please Take Rural Healthcare Study/Survey

The survey is being administered by the Public Policy & Management Center at Wichita State University and the Dodge City/Ford County Development Corporation. It takes 5 minutes or less to complete. Please feel free to contact Craig R....

Setting Up a Shared Infection Prevention Program

This program, presented by Nadyne Hagmeier, RN, QI project manager, and Johnathan Reeves, RN, QI project manager, from the Kansas Foundation for Medical Care, Inc., is scheduled for Thursday, February 22nd from 12:00 PM -1:00...

Enhance Your Dining Marketing Strategy

Enhance your dining marketing strategy on February 21st, 1:00 PM–4:00 PM at John Knox Village, Lee’s Summit, MO. Read more information.

Another Resource to Improve Quality of Life for People Living with Dementia

A Mindfulness Program Manual for People with Dementia describes a 10-session, group-based Mindfulness Program for people with mild to moderate dementia. It aims to equip people with dementia with skills to manage psychological distress, with...

LeadingAge National Announces Full Court Press on Survey and Enforcement Advocacy

The LeadingAge National Board is taking up nursing home survey and cert reform as a LEAD Advocacy priority – with a two pronged strategy – one focused on CMS, and the other to advance a comprehensive...