Bethany Home Association in Lindsborg is excited to announce its second annual ‘Celebration Gala.’ The event is scheduled to take place on Sunday, September 30 at the Sundstrom Conference Center in Lindsborg and will feature fine food and drinks, live and silent auction and a speaker/comedian.

According to Kris Erickson, CEO at Bethany Home, “The ever-increasing cost of healthcare and supplies, coupled with dwindling state and federal funds, continues to burden those seeking care.” Despite the financial challenges, Bethany Home continues to provide superior care and services in a quality home environment and offer access to life-enriching activities and events, regardless of an individual’s source of payment. “The number of individuals relying on state funded programs like Medicaid has continued to increase over the past few years, and Medicaid does not fully cover the cost to provide care,” says Erickson.

“It’s time to get creative in finding ways to cover the gap left by state and federal funded programs and this event is one avenue we are pursuing,” says Erickson. “Other plans include diversifying services and revenue streams and expanding our options for care.”  Without the support of generous funders, local organizations, dedicated staff and volunteers, and our greater Church family, Bethany Home would not be the vibrant community it is today.

The featured speaker for the event, Amy Dee, is an author, musician, life coach, nurse and stand-up comedian. “I’m most excited for our entertainment, Amy Dee, who is a motivational comedian that travels across the country spreading laughter through her powerful messages,” says Amy Dauer, CFO at Bethany Home. “We had the pleasure of seeing her at a conference. I’ve never seen someone be able to light up a room as she did and leave us all in tears from laughing so hard!” Amy will be highlighting the ‘advantages’ of growing older, reflecting on living in Norway for 10 years and ‘Celebrating Life’s Brighter Side!’

The event will begin with champagne and appetizers, followed by a plated meal, keynote speaker, and live and silent auction.

As a non-profit organization, all funds raised directly benefit Bethany Home Association residents through services and supports, activities, programs and capital projects.

Tickets can be purchased online or by contacting Jennifer Cantrell at (785) 227-2334.