We are seeking applications for the Center for Leadership, a year-long, in-person learning opportunity for rising leaders in the field of aging services. Each class meets 4 times a year with the following topics:
- Discovering Your Authentic Leadership: To understand ourselves so we can better lead others
- Leading Through Advocacy and Community Relationships: To understand trust in advocacy and community building
- Leading Change: To explore our potential as change agents in our organizations and in the field of aging services
- Leading Empowering and Motivating: To uncover what motivates us and others and learn how to build successful teams
Meeting dates and locations are:
- November 2 & 3, 2022 in Wichita
- January 25 & 26, 2022 in Topeka
- April 26 & 27, 2023 Location TBD
- July 26 & 27, 2023 in Lawrence
- Monthly Zoom meeting in months that don’t include a face to face session to stay connected between meetings
Cost: *$1800/year. *Scholarships are available to anyone who asks if you fill out the request in the application.
The cost includes up to 50 hours of continuing education, most meals/snacks, books, technology platforms, speaker fees, site fees, proprietary surveys and data and much more. Please know that we do not make money on the Center for Leadership, our aim is to break even while providing this invaluable program for members.
In order to be considered for the Center for Leadership, participants must apply through our online application portal called Reviewr by July 1st. Learn more and apply today!