Last chance to register for Joint Provider/Surveyor Training which will be held next week, March 27th, in Wichita and March 28th in Topeka.
Schedule and Session Descriptions:
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Registration
9:00 AM – 10:30 AM
What is Antibiotic Stewardship and How Does it Impact Long Term Care?
Nadyne Hagmeier, RN
Quality Improvement Consultant
Kansas Foundation for Medical Care, Inc.
Antimicrobial resistance is one of the most serious health threats in the United States as well as an increasingly growing global health concern. To prevent returning to a time when simple infections were often fatal, it is imperative that health care providers must work to preserve the valuable resource represented by antibiotics. This session will discuss the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance, the impact of antibiotic stewardship strategies and how they factor into the long-term care environment.
10:30 AM – 10:40 AM Break
10:40 AM – 12:10 PM
Infection Prevention Best Practices – Utilizing the “All Cause Harm Prevention in Nursing Homes” Change Package
Brenda Davis, BSN, RN, CIC
Great Plains QIN/Kansas Foundation for Medical Care, Inc.
This session will review the most frequently cited infection prevention activities on survey and how those can be addressed using the best practices addresses in the “All Cause Harm Prevention in Nursing Homes” change package. It will also show how the change package was developed and its’ relevance to nursing homes through work in the National Nursing Home Care Collaborative.
12:10 PM – 1:20 PM Lunch on Your Own
1:20 PM – 2:20 PM
Survey Trends – Frequently Cited Deficiencies
Patty Brown, RN MS
Interim Commissioner Survey, Certification and Credentialing
Dawn Stevenson, RN
Director of Survey and Certification
This session will review the most frequently cited deficiencies in both nursing facilities and assisted living and what providers can do to address issues related to these common deficiencies.
2:20 PM – 2:30 PM Break
2:30 PM – 4:00 PM
Protective Oversight of Wound Care In a Mega Rule World
Martha Kelso, RN, HBOT
Would Care Plus, LLC
Wound regulations can be complicated, complex, and cover a wide array of topics since the implementation of the MegaRule phases. This educational opportunity will discuss the process of overseeing wounds without having to physically see or touch wounds in person. What processes should be in place? What processes must be in place? How do you know if your building is meeting the current regulations? Martha R Kelso will cover current topics and regulations as well as processes to help maintain best practice.