These last couple weeks have been busy for LeadingAge Kansas working in the background educating legislators on policies and bills impacting adult care homes. This week, LeadingAge Kansas provided oral testimony on Monday in House Health and Human Services on SB82 (REH Bill) and written testimony on SB88 (LTC Ombudsman memory care training bill). On Tuesday, written testimony on the KDADS budget was provided to Seante Ways and Means committee asking for funding currently in HB2007 for aging services to be maintained. Recommendations from the committee are expected later in the week or beginning of next.
For Wednesday, LeadingAge Kansas is testifying on HB2392 (nursing faculty requirements bill) in House Commerce at 1:30 PM. On Thursday morning, LeadingAge Kansas will provide testimony on SB276 (removing Kansas Fire Marshal from adult care home licensure authority) in Senate Public Health and Welfare. As a reminder, each bill LeadingAge Kansas is working is exempt from legislative deadlines, however, they do need to make it through at least one chamber to be eligible for conference committee reports which occur the last week of March.