TIME TO WEBINAR Laptop on table. Warm tone

Presented by Kathy Weigand, RDN, CSG, LD/N. Weigand  is a dietitian with 30 years of experience in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

Dysphagia is broadly estimated to affect 8% of the general population. This is 580 million people worldwide. Persons with dysphagia might experience trouble with: swallowing food or drinks, chewing, sucking, controlling saliva, taking medication, or protecting the airway from choking. Dysphagia can occur at any time during the lifespan and may be short or long term. The most common causes of dysphagia are related to underlying medical or physical conditions. There are a number of significant consequences related to dysphagia including life-threatening chest infection (or pneumonia), malnutrition or dehydration. Having a swallowing disorder greatly impacts an individual’s quality of life.

This webinar will be presented by Kathy Weigand, RDN, CSG, LD/N. Weigand  is a dietitian with 30 years of experience in the field of nutrition and dietetics, and is a Certified Specialist in Gerontological Nutrition. She is currently in the role of Director of Clinical and Wellness Support for Morrison Community Living.  Kathy has worked in varied settings during her successful career, including: corporate roles in for-profit skilled nursing corporations, managing the regulatory process; providing clinical nutrition services for acute care and long term rehab hospitals; food service management in an industrial cafeteria; development of a weight loss program for a physician group; and providing health & wellness counseling to university students. Kathy has held numerous positions in her national professional organization and is currently Past Chair of the Dietetics in Health Care Communities practice group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

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