KDHE and the Kansas Healthcare Coalition Partners of Kansas KHCCP wish to create a Telehealth network to integrate Post-Acute Care(PAC) providers into the local telemedicine system to assist with the transition of patients/residents from an acute care facility and possibly reduce the movement of patients/residents to clinics or acute care for doctor appointments on a preventive bases. Funding is available for 35 to 40 providers in both SW and SE Kansas. Equipment provided will include (for each provider) a Microsoft Surface Pro 7+ i5/8/128 laptop computer , a Curaplex Fingertip Pulse Oximeter and a 3M Littmann CORE Digital Stethoscope to be utilized for integration within their local telemedicine system. There will be no cost to a selected facility for this equipment package. Training will be provided. Go HERE.
Requirements to participate include:
Participating facilities will be required to be members of their respective Regional HCC. If you are not currently an HCC member you can contact your Regional Response Coordinator for more information. In Southwest Kansas contact Ms. Mindi Bremer at sw@hccpkansas.com and in Southeast Kansas contact Mr. Fred Rinne at se@hccpkansas.com.
Facilities will be asked to provide a utilization report at six (6) months and one (1) year.