Written by Carla Barber, Sunshine Meadows in Buhler

Nyoka, a small ball python, made a big impression when the Sedgwick County Zoo visited Sunshine Meadows Retirement Community in Buhler on January 10th.

The snake caused excitement among the 85 Buhler Grade School kindergartners and first-graders who visited the retirement community for an animal presentation. Zoo staff members talked about the python, taking it around the room so students and Sunshine Meadows residents could get a closer look, and even touch it if they liked.

Nyoka retired to a tied-closed pillowcase as the other live animal, Pulua, a lizard from the Solomon Islands, was shown, along with several animal artifacts. Still, the snake, writhing in its cloth bag, stole the show, eliciting excited shouts from the children.

Buhler Grade School students regularly visit Sunshine Meadows for various programs, from reading to residents, playing bingo, having breakfast and comparing notes with residents about school experiences, and making Christmas peppernuts. SMRC residents return the favor by visiting the school for programs and lunch with students. The two organizations join forces annually for the city parade, creating their float theme, decorating it, and riding on it together. Collaboration usually occurs when a program of interest to all ages, such as the zoo presentation, is considered by either entity, or when one group can offer help to the other.