Momentum continues to grow in our grassroots efforts to provide regulatory relief that will allow for better care for residents in nursing homes. Thanks to your efforts, we have seen support increase for H.R. 4468 in the U.S. House, and the introduction of S. 2993 in the Senate.
Take action today and tell your U.S. Representative and Senators to cosponsor H.R. 4468/S. 2993.
We also encourage you to share this action alert with your residents and network!
More on the issue:
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) introduced bipartisan legislation (S. 2993) in the Senate that will end the mandatory 2-year CNA lockout for nursing homes if they have been fined over a certain threshold amount. This legislation will provide relief and help to ensure that our members can provide quality care for residents.
Our own Kansas Congressman Ron Estes was the lead Republican co-sponsor on H.R. 4468. Make sure to thank him in your email if you are in his district.
H.R. 4468 and S. 2993 allow nursing homes to regain their nursing assistant training authority when all deficiencies have been corrected and authorize CMS to monitor homes as necessary. S. 2993 has additional limits on which homes can regain their training program and allows nursing homes to have access to the National Practitioner Data Bank to improve background checks. Both bills are important to facilitate quality improvement in our national’s nursing homes.
We are now down to the wire as we work to get this bill passed by the end of the year. Send a message to Senator Roberts, Senator Moran and your Congressman today and encourage them to show their support by cosponsoring the bill today.