State Testing Strategy – Start PCR Testing Now
Interested in setting up the logistics to start free PCR testing from the state of Kansas? Find the lab assigned to your county here.
Contact the lab for a one-on-one consultation. Lab contacts can be found here.
HCBS Final Settings Rule BulletinKDADS wants to remind our HCBS-providing members that they must soon come into compliance with the HCBS settings final rule, and that the process of approving HCBS settings is underway NOW. Read the full bulletin.
Questions? Please contact the HCBS Team at or utilize the chat function on the Community Connections website located at
The Community Connections Team at KDADS is providing Final Rule Guidance Sessions to assist Providers during the remediation phase. If your group would like to schedule a guidance session, please contact LaTonia Wright, HCBS Project Manager at
Nursing Home Infection Control Distribution – Allowable Costs
On August 27, 2020, $2.5 billion of the Health and Human Services (HHS) CARES Act Provider Relief Fund was distributed to nursing facilities. Facilities with 6 or more beds received $10,000 plus $1,450 per bed. According to HHS, Nursing Home Infection Control FAQs, the distributed funds must be spent on –
- costs associated with administering COVID-19 testing for both staff and residents;
- reporting COVID-19 test results to local, state, or federal governments;
- hiring staff to provide patient care or administrative support;
- incurring expenses to improve infection control, including activities such as implementing infection control “mentorship” programs with subject matter experts, or changes made to physical facilities; and
- providing additional services to residents, such as technology that permits residents to connect with their families if the families are not able to visit in person.
These same criteria will apply for the incentive payments issued November 2, 2020 and subsequent payments occurring monthly through February 2021. Providers have until June 30, 2021 to spend these funds. Read the entire article.
Nursing Home Quality Incentive Program Methodology
Under the $2 billion quality incentive payment (QIP) program, eligible facilities will have their performance measured on two outcomes. First, facilities will be judged on their performance on the COVID infection measure. Performance on the infection measure for each facility will be compared to a baseline rate of COVID infection in the county in which a facility is located. Second, facilities with COVID infections will be further judged on their performance on COVID mortality. The mortality measure will quantify how facilities with COVID infections perform relative to an expected level of mortality, given their number of infections and the demographic characteristics of their residents. Facilities with mortality rates substantially exceeding expectations will be deemed ineligible from receiving performance payments in a given month. Read the entire article/methodology.
Join Us for our Friday Webinar Update – Register for the Rest of the Year
Here is the link to register for webinars for the rest of the year.
Have a topic recommendation or an idea for a poll? Let us know.
- Nursing Home Weekly: Recap of LeadingAge Updates
- Pandemic Playbook: An Interactive Guide to a Pandemic
- LeadingAge Need to Know for 11-16-2020
- Online Coronavirus Policy Update for 11-9-2020
- View the Latest Info, News, and Tools from LeadingAge
2020 LeadingAge Award of Honor
Every year, we bestow the Award of Honor on one member who has provided nationally significant, transformative leadership in aging services. This person shows vision, mission, compassion, and courage every day in their communities. This year, in the face of great adversity and overwhelming tragedy, you have all risen to the occasion and demonstrated remarkable leadership and unbelievable courage in what will likely be remembered as the hardest year of your life. Watch Katie Smith Sloan’s presentation of the award.
Webinar: Provider Relief Funds Reporting Requirements
LeadingAge will be hosting a webinar with accounting experts from LeadingAge Silver Sponsor CLA on December 2nd at 2 PM ET on Provider Relief Funds Reporting Requirements. This webinar will outline how LeadingAge members can maximize their use of PRF payments received while complying with the current reporting requirements. Click here for more information and to register for the webinar