Improve Teamwork and Communication with Practical, Adaptable Tools from TeamSTEPPS®

Could your team benefit from improved teamwork and/or communication? Would you like to learn easy to implement, adaptable and proven tools to help your team perform better? Then join us for a virtual five session Team...

Attn All LKS Members: Careers in Aging Week is March 4-9 – Make Plans...

We are thrilled to launch the 2nd Annual Careers in Aging Services week. Our combined efforts last year caught national attention and will be rolled out nation-wide in conjunction with LeadingAge National, The Gerontological Society...

The 5 Pillars of Direct Care Job Quality

To guide employers, policymakers, and industry leaders in transforming the direct care workforce, PHI’s new framework for direct care job quality includes 29 elements across five pillars: quality training, fair compensation, quality supervision and...

Did You Miss the Keynote Session with Brene Brown at the LeadingAge Virtual Annual...

It was powerful and just what providers need to hear right now. Here are a few take aways from the conversation: Do a 2 word check in with your team before each meeting. Ask them...

LeadingAge Kansas Workforce Commission Meets

Earlier this week, the LeadingAge Kansas Workforce Commission held their semi annual meeting. The group heard updates about progress since their last meeting in August of 2018, and update on our intensive effort to form the association-sponsored...

The Summer Enrichment Program

The Summer Enrichment Program internships are starting to post on the LeadingAge Careers page at in the internship tab. If you have a internship opportunity in aging services, please post them on the national hub.

Need Help With Recruitment? Let Us Help!

By Susan Hildebrandt, VP of Workforce LeadingAge National Workforce challenges top LeadingAge members’ concerns. Recruitment is a multi-faceted activity involving marketing to and educating prospects even before the hiring process starts. That’s why LeadingAge has created...

Paycheck to Paycheck Homeownership Affordability Calculator

Paycheck to Paycheck at is an interactive online tool from the National Housing Coalition that allows users to research and compare rental and homeownership affordability challenges of workers in 81 occupations in 259 metro areas...

LeadingAge Kansas Workforce Commission to Meet

On May 9th a select group of individuals from inside and outside of the membership, state agency folks, legislators and more will convene at the LeadingAge Kansas offices to kick off our Workforce Commission. ...

Employee Satisfaction Research Begins This Week – It’s Not Too Late to Participate

As part of our ongoing effort to define and solve our workforce crisis in long-term care, LeadingAge Kansas will be conducting an aggregated survey of member nurses and aides working in nursing homes, long-term...

What’s New in Leadership? Compassion

In a recent Forbes article, Margie Warrell highlights the reasons why leading with your head and your heart is now termed Compassionate Leadership. Read the article. You can read more on the subject here: 7 Inspiring...

Flex Schedules For All Employees

Here is a new promising practice coming out of Colorado regarding flex scheduling – its not just for nursing anymore.  Read the article.