Jerry Maguire and the Aging Services Workforce

By Dr. Robyn Stone with LeadingAge National’s LTSS Center  A recent invitation to explore new team-based service-delivery models "had me at 'hello,'" writes Robyn Stone. Here's why. You had me at “hello." That famous line from the 1996 film Jerry Maguire came...

Competency Development Guides for Hands-On and Mid-Level Managers Available

Check out these handy development guides from the Tools Section of LeadingAge National’s Workforce Website: Personal Care Attendant Competency Development Guide Access the guide. This guide is designed to help members examine how personal care attendants work in...

6 Ways to Address the LTSS Workforce Crisis

BY GERALYN MAGAN, LeadingAge National Workforce challenges in the field of aging services will get far worse over the next 20 years unless policy makers, providers, and other stakeholders work together aggressively on solutions, writes...

Workforce Cost Calculator

In addition to using this great tool from the Aging Update, you can find it on the LeadingAge National Workforce Website under “Tools." Use this calculator to figure out the cost of your turnover -- download and do in...

Orientation and On-Boarding: Mentors are Key to New Employees’ Success

BY JANET LYONS AND PAT MCBRIDE Inspired by poor retention rates and looking for a way to boost quality of care and employee satisfaction, this provider developed its own staff mentorship program that brings out...

What Can We Learn From the Restaurant Industry About Turnover?

We all know the general reason that employees leave is because of the relationship they have with their managers. It is a statement that is true across all fields and industries. In a recent article...

Listen to These Workforce Podcasts On Your Way To and From Work

Check out these excellent podcasts on workforce provided by LeadingAge National. Get inspiration from others by hearing how they are focusing on workforce in their own words.

LeadingAge National Workforce Website – Full of Excellent Resources

LeadingAge National recently launched their workforce website that has a bunch of great tools to help you with Workforce Issues. We will be highlighting a different area of that site for the next several...

LeadingAge National Gathering Best Practices in Workforce from Rural Members

Our National association is looking for best practices in recruiting and retaining employees in rural areas. Here is the form that you can fill out and send back to Dana Weaver. Your promising practice might...

LeadingAge National Launches Workforce Website

The LeadingAge Center for Workforce Solutions launched an excellent website last week with tools, resources and more about workforce. Make sure you bookmark this link so you can refer to it for your workforce...

2017 HR Toolkit for Nonprofits

Unemployment Services Trust recently published their 2017 HR Toolkit for Nonprofits combining their top 10 guides for 2017 Nonprofit Human Resource management. Its available for free for a limited time.  Use these tools to make...

Deadline for Center for Leadership Applications is July 1, 2017

The deadline is getting close for the Center for Leadership Applications for the 2017/2018 Year. Here is a sneak peek at the application questions: Name, Organization, Address, Email, Phone and Title. Do you plan...