We Need Provider Input on Revising the Kansas CNA Curriculum
The current CNA Curriculum is in the process of review and the statewide revision group would like your input. Their goal is to assure that CNAs have adequate training to be able to work...
Workforce Survey Still Underway
We are still collecting responses for an important workforce survey that is being conducted by a third party to help guide our workforce efforts. We have invested heavily in this survey and want to...
Making a Community College Your New Best Friend
(Reposted from LeadingAge National)
A $6 million America’s Promise grant, awarded to Grand Rapids Community College last year, is helping 4 LeadingAge members recruit and retain qualified certified nursing assistants.
Four LeadingAge members in Grand Rapids, MI, are...
Employee Satisfaction Research Begins This Week – It’s Not Too Late to Participate
As part of our ongoing effort to define and solve our workforce crisis in long-term care, LeadingAge Kansas will be conducting an aggregated survey of member nurses and aides working in nursing homes, long-term...
LeadingAge Kansas Commissions Job Satisfaction Survey – Will You Help?
LeadingAge Kansas has recently partnered with Puente Marketing who will be conducting a culturally competent aggregated survey of member nurses and aides working in nursing homes, long-term care units of hospitals and assisted living residences to...
Workforce Data from PHI
Are you a data lover and want to know more about workforce data in Kansas and across the US? Check out this website from PHI which is full of workforce data including wage trends, age, citizenship,...
What Have We Accomplished in the Workforce Arena This Fall?
A lot of work has been done by the association on your behalf this fall on Workforce.
CNA Curriculum Revision
We convened the first meeting to revise the Kansas CNA Curriculum in November. The meeting was...
LeadingAge Kansas Commissions Wage Disparity Report Between Acute and Long-Term Care
LeadingAge Kansas has commissioned the Kansas Health Institute to conduct a study on wage disparity between acute care and long-term care. KHI took data provided by the Kansas Department of Labor to conduct the...
LeadingAge National is Requesting Your Help
LeadingAge National is embarking on a plan focused on attracting people to working in the rich variety of aging services. One of their goals is to work more closely with people and organizations at...
Drawing the Best out of Our Workforce by Gene Mitchell
By my count, educational sessions on workforce and leadership topics outnumbered the sessions in any of the other educational “tracks” at the recent LeadingAge Annual Meeting & EXPO in New Orleans. If you consider the strong...
NCSBN Seeks Qualified Nurses for PN Item Development
The NCLEX is designed to test the knowledge, skills and abilities essential to safe and effective entry-level nursing practice. The process of developing one item (question) for the NCLEX-PN requires multiple steps over a...
Building a Care Team with Respect and Relationships
Bahaa Barsoum, R.N., has an uncanny ability to see great potential in people, even when they don’t see it in themselves.
The director of nursing (DON) at A.G. Rhodes Health and Rehab in Atlanta, GA, says it’s...