LeadingAge National Workforce Website – Full of Excellent Resources

LeadingAge National recently launched their workforce website that has a bunch of great tools to help you with Workforce Issues. We will be highlighting a different area of that site for the next several...

Workforce Alert: Ask Your Senators to Co-sponsor CNA Lockout Legislation

We know that strong workforce training programs are critical to providing quality care older adults deserve. Help us gain the needed support for the Ensuring Seniors’ Access to Quality Care Act and urge your...

Department of Labor Resources on Workplace Stress

Approximately two-thirds of workers surveyed characterized work as being a very or somewhat significant source of stress, each year from 2019-2021. The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has created a Workplace...

KansasWorks Provides Recruiting Tools for Employers Across the State

KANSASWORKS is a web-based job-matching and labor market information system. KANSASWORKS provides job seekers, employers, and training providers with easy-to-use tools that support a wide range of activities. As a service of the public workforce...

EWA Asks Congressional Leadership to Keep Older Adults Workforce Priorities in Reconciliation Package

The Eldercare Workforce Alliance (EWA or Alliance), a coalition with whom LeadingAge works, sent a letter today to the Congressional leadership to applaud them for the historic investments in the care of older adults...

Fostering Emotional Well-being Among Team Members

In this 19-minute QuickCast, we review why a comprehensive systems approach to supporting the emotional wellbeing of all members of an organization is so important.

Hospice CAHPS Exemption Deadline December 31, 2022

Hospices that served fewer than 50 survey-eligible decedents/caregivers in CY 2021 (January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021) can apply for an exemption from participation in the CAHPS Hospice Survey for CY 2022. To view or...

Tackling The Revolving Door: A 3-minute Employee Retention Survey

High staff turnover and retention rates in aging services continue to challenge providers.  Recruiting and training costs take their financial toll, and persistent staff changes affect resident satisfaction. LeadingAge National is conducting a very short,...

The Culture Chat Podcast: On Building a Culture of Accountability in the Workplace

This episode features a fascinating conversation with Jonathan Raymond, CEO of Refound and author of Good Authority, a book about how to align personal and professional growth. How do you hold people accountable without acting like a jerk?...

Targeting Millennials: Getting Noticed By The Next Generation (Part 2)

Note: This is the second in a three-part series. Click here to read the first article in the Targeting Millennials series. It’s a lesson many recruiters and hiring managers are learning the hard way: You can’t reach today’s...

Recent Article in McKnights LTC: How Do You Treat Your MDS Coordinator?

As many of our nursing home members do, we read McKnights LTC news at least weekly. A recent in-your-face article titled “How to quickly size up the health of any facility” prompted discussion around...

Change Is Our New Normal: 5 Ways Leaders Can Engage Their Team During Complex...

The environment we operate in is changing fast and so much is coming at us it's difficult to keep up. Those organizations that can be agile enough change strategy and processes as needed, while...