Have You Used our Onboarding Toolkit Yet?

Each week we are featuring a different portion of the toolkit to show members the depth of the toolkit. We recommend rolling the entire toolkit into your onboarding program as it will help with...

Join Us for Careers in Aging Services Week

The 2nd Annual Careers in Aging Services week is right around the corner. Our combined efforts last year caught national attention and will be rolled out nation-wide in conjunction with LeadingAge National, The Gerontological Society...

Attn All LKS Members: Careers in Aging Week is March 4-9 – Make Plans...

We are thrilled to launch the 2nd Annual Careers in Aging Services week. Our combined efforts last year caught national attention and will be rolled out nation-wide in conjunction with LeadingAge National, The Gerontological Society...

Did You Notice We Have a New Resource to Help With Workforce? Learn How...

Last week we launched the toolkit for members and many of you have already started using it! In an effort to break it down into bite-sized chunks, we are featuring a new section each week. Introduction...

New Onboarding Toolkit Available 

We are excited to provide members with a comprehensive toolkit to help members develop an effective onboarding program. Follow along with each step and incorporate the entire program or pull out what makes sense for...

Careers in Aging Week Set for March 3rd-9th

Make plans to participate in raising awareness about Careers in Aging the week of March 3rd-9th.  We encourage you to reach out to local schools including high schools, community and technical colleges and universities...

Low Nurse Staffing on the Weekend

Last month we reported information on weekend staffing numbers being tracked by CMS through PBJ data. Many questions arose from this information. LeadingAge NY, who prepared the report for us asked CMS for clarification...

The Direct Care Workforce: Year in Review (2018)

According to PHI (a long-term care workforce thinktank) 2018 was a remarkable year for the direct care workforce. Organizations released an array of research and policy reports that deepened our knowledge on these workers,...

CNA Curriculum Revision Work Continues

LeadingAge Kansas has convened a diverse group of individuals to help revise the current CNA curriculum. The group includes providers, instructors, community/tech colleges, KDADS HOC representatives and provider associations. The goal of the group...

Save the Dates for Careers in Aging Services Week: March 4-8, 2019

We are excited to announce that March 4-8 will be the dates for the second annual Careers in Aging Services week in 2019. If you didn’t have the opportunity to join us last year,...

A Skilled and Committed Workforce

In the Latest LeadingAge Magazine, workforce is front and center. Here are the titles and links to the articles. From the Editor - A Skilled and Committed Workforce by Gene Mitchell: A preview of...

LeadingAge Develops Workplace Culture Assessment – Seeks Pilot Sites

LeadingAge National developed a survey to help organizations assess their workplace culture and would like to pilot it with approximately 8-10 organizations. They will use your candid feedback to shorten it and create a...