Employee Onboarding At All Levels

Learn best practices for effectively onboarding new hires, regardless of role or rank, to spur success and boost engagement early. Read The OnShift Blog.

Workforce Isn’t Just an HR Problem – The Entire Team Has to Be Part...

This is your last opportunity to register for the Workforce and Leadership Conference. It starts tomorrow at the Meridian Center in Newton. There is something for everyone. Get solutions, be part of the conversation, and...

The Hands and Hearts That Make Our Work Possible – Workforce Issue of the...

The Hands and Hearts That Make Our Work Possible – Workforce Issue of the LeadingAge Magazine - By Gene Mitchell, editor While working on this issue I had a conversation with Adam Suomala of LeadingAge Minnesota,...

What Have We Accomplished in the Workforce Arena This Fall?

A lot of work has been done by the association on your behalf this fall on Workforce. CNA Curriculum Revision We convened the first meeting to revise the Kansas CNA Curriculum in November. The meeting was...

Drawing the Best out of Our Workforce by Gene Mitchell

By my count, educational sessions on workforce and leadership topics outnumbered the sessions in any of the other educational “tracks” at the recent LeadingAge Annual Meeting & EXPO in New Orleans. If you consider the strong...

Two Words for the HR Folks out There: Digital Advertising

Basically, the way things are today, those communities most likely to corral the best talent are those who treat employee recruitment like prospecting for new clients. Knowing that this is an area where G5...

Top 4 Reasons New Hires Leave (and What You Can Do About It)

To thrive in today’s economy, finding and retaining the best employees is important. Your business relies on a competent, experienced team that can work effectively and efficiently. According to survey results published by the...

Workforce Innovators Podcast: Helping Students Launch Careers in Long-Term Services and Supports

The  most recent LeadingAge Workforce Innovators Podcast features Andrew Jones, clinical assistant professor at Towson University in Baltimore. The podcast tells us why his students are excited about careers in older adult services, and what LeadingAge...

Updated Recruitment Tools Available

LeadingAge, along with help from some state affiliates, has updated tools and resources to help you gain an edge in recruiting new employees. Visit the site.

Research from the LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston and Weil Cornell Medicine Links Job...

A new article in Geriatric Nursing by Verena R. Cimarolli, Natasha S. Bryant, and Robyn Stone, researchers at the LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston, and Francesca Falzarano, a researcher at Weill Cornell Medicine’s Division of Geriatrics...

We Want to Feature Your Workforce Promising Practices

  Do you have a workforce practice that has helped with recruitment, retention, onboarding, leadership, training, etc.? We would like to feature you in an upcoming edition of the Aging Update or our Workforce Webpage. You...

ICYMI – LeadingAge Kansas Gets State and National Media Attention on Staffing Agencies

From the Salina Journal: Medical facilities want change - Kansas nursing homes and hospitals have relied on staffing agencies – at a high cost (Featuring Rachel Monger and member Charlotte Rathke) October 6, 2022 | Salina Journal, The (KS)...