Check Out These Recruitment Tools from LeadingAge
LeadingAge, along with help from state affiliates, have re-tooled their workforce pages to help all types of members with recruitment and retention. This week, we are highlighting their recruitment tools. The page includes resources for:
Resources for Hiring Afghan Refugees
Krish O’Mara Vignarajah of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service provided resources and information for LeadingAge members interested in hiring Afghan refugees. Read the article.
U.S. Employers’ Guide to Hiring Afghan Refugees.
Dining Services Staffing Challenges and Solutions Survey
Recently, Senior Housing News and Sodexo teamed up to survey 110 senior serving organizations regarding the changes they’ve made in response to the post-COVID staffing crisis in dining services. The survey results were released this week;...
EWA Asks Congressional Leadership to Keep Older Adults Workforce Priorities in Reconciliation Package
The Eldercare Workforce Alliance (EWA or Alliance), a coalition with whom LeadingAge works, sent a letter today to the Congressional leadership to applaud them for the historic investments in the care of older adults...
With So Many People Quitting, Don’t Overlook Those Who Stay
The marketplace for talent has shifted. You need to think of your employees like customers and put thoughtful attention into retaining them. This is the first step to slow attrition and regain your growth...
To Retain Employees, Give Them a Sense of Purpose and Community
Leaders determined to stem the tide of talent defections during the Great Resignation could be surprised to learn they’re barking up the wrong tree by simply throwing money or perks at the problem. The...
Direct Care Workers in the United States: Key Facts
This report from PHIprovides a new annual snapshot on the direct care workforce, including its demographics, occupational roles, job quality challenges, and projected job openings. The report includes detailed overviews of three segments of this...
Keep Your Brand New Staff Beyond the Typical Turnover Time by Focusing on Onboarding
Our Onboarding Toolkit provides information, tools and excellent examples for developing a culture of onboarding that welcomes new staff, adequately trains them and helps prevent longer term staff from “eating the young”.
PHI Releases New Federal Priorities Report on Direct Care Workforce
The COVID-19 crisis has reinforced the essential value of direct care workers, and a new presidential administration offers a critical window of opportunity to improve jobs for this workforce, says a new report from...
5 Surefire New Supervisor Tips for Success
You promoted a superstar employee to a supervisory role. She now manages the people who were once her peers, and while she exhibits strong leadership potential, she’ll likely need guidance along the way.
This change in...
Deadline Approaching: Apply to the National LeadingAge Leadership Academy
Now more than ever, the field of aging services needs reflective and forward-thinking leaders. That’s why the LeadingAge Leadership Academy exists—to give new, aspiring, and seasoned professionals the foundation to build self-confidence through reflective...
Feeling Valued Because They Are Valued: A Vision for Direct Care Professionals
Professional caregivers—including nursing assistants, personal care aides, and home health aides—have always played an important role in the field of long-term services and supports (LTSS). And the coronavirus pandemic shed new—and much-needed—light on the...