Successful 2018 Policy and Leadership Conference

Thank you for those who joined us last week at conference and for those who weren’t able to be there, here’s a recap of what you missed. Scott Carbonara, the Leadership Therapist kicked off...

NEW DONs We Have a Session Just for You – Nurse Leaders Conference

Our first session of the Nurse Leaders Conference November 13th at the Salina Hilton Garden will focus towards operational strategies for New DONs. New DONs or those wanting a refresh regarding organizational management, people management, quality...

New Navigator Data Available

The latest Medicaid Cost Report Navigator featuring 2017 data is now available for download on the LeadingAge Kansas website. This is a great tool for members to compare themselves to their peers and statewide...

Aetna Better Health of Kansas Update

KanCare began sending out letters last week to all Amerigroup members informing them that they will be assigned to Aetna Better Health of Kansas as their KanCare MCO effective January 1, 2019. The letter...