Home Week of January 13th

Week of January 13th

2020 KING Safety Grant Program

The 2020 KING Safety Grant application is now available to KING members. The KING Board of Directors approved a grant award pool of $20,000 for 2020.  Each KING member may submit one application. The applicant will...

LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMASS Boston Newsletter Highlights Workforce

6 Practices for Today’s Workforce Challenges Studying Colorado’s Direct Care Workforce

Housing Happenings Call – Excellent Benefit for LeadingAge Kansas Housing Members

LeadingAge Kansas along with LeadingAge Maryland and Ohio are excited to offer this educational teleconference series designed specifically for affordable housing professionals. The calls are short, practical learning sessions for service coordinators, property managers, and...

Articles From LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMASS Boston Newsletter

First Impressions in Service-Enhanced Housing Refining Housing Plus Services in Connecticut

Wellness and Wellbeing Resources

Here are some great articles and tools from around the web on wellness and wellbeing in aging. Social Relationships and Obesity in Older Adults These Ordinary Ads Feature Only People With Disabilities, and That’s...

Living Well With Dementia Resources

Rethinking Dementia: A Positive Approach (Quickcast—Free to LeadingAge members) This 9-minute QuickCast explores how a shift from a tragedy narrative to a more balanced approach can positively impact the daily lives of people living with...

TeamSTEPPS®: Closing the Communication Loop to Improve Care

Have you ever had a conversation with someone only to learn later they didn’t hear what you thought you said? Or they only heard part of the conversation? Most of us have been on...

Plan to Participate in the Day at the State Legislature on February 5th

Don’t forget to sign up for the 2020 Day at the Legislature in Topeka on February 5th. The Lt. Governor Lynn Rogers will join us in the morning. There will be a hearing in...

You Are invited to the January 23rd National Capitol Hill Insights Call

All LeadingAge Kansas members are welcome to join the next LeadingAge National Capitol Hill Insights Call on Thursday, January 23rd at 1 PM Central. Discussion will center on how the new Session of Congress is...

2020 Census – A Word From LeadingAge National

2020 is a census year. Nursing homes and inpatient hospices are all considered “group quarters” for the purposes of the Census. LeadingAge National is in conversation with the Census Bureau about whether assisted living...

Summary of CMS Revisions and Interpretive Guidance for Emergency Preparedness Requirements

CMS has released updated interpretive guidance on emergency preparedness requirements for all providers as revised in September 2019.

The Elder Index

The Elder Index is a free online resource available for anyone to look up customized information about the cost of elder living in any county, state or the country. Its redesigned website can be...