KMAP Website Requirements

Periodically, browser versions change which can have an impact on Kansas Medical Assistance Program (KMAP) website users. The KMAP websites function optimally when the appropriate operating system, platform, and settings are in place.  The operating...

KDHE Public Meetings Slated on Future of KanCare

KDHE will hold public meetings regarding the state’s proposed renewal of the KanCare program, and to provide input and ideas for changes. Anyone may provide comment and input about the KanCare renewal at any...

New Medicare Cards

Medicare is taking steps to remove Social Security numbers from Medicare cards. Through this initiative the Centers for Medicare &a Medicaid Services (CMS) will prevent fraud, fight identity theft and protect essential program funding...

Final Policy, Payment, and Quality Provisions in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule for Calendar...

On November 2, 2017, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) issued a final rule that includes updates to payment policies, payment rates, and quality provisions for services furnished under the Medicare Physician...

UnitedHealthcare Claims Payment Issue

United Healthcare recently identified a claims payment issue where they incorrectly paid claims from October through December at an old rate for many facilities. This only affects homes that had a retro rate change for...

CMS Proposed Change in Resident Classification System

On April 27th, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) released an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that solicits comment on potential revisions to the Medicare skilled nursing facility (SNF) payment system, based on...

PEPPER Update Webinar

PEPPER is hosting a free Webinar on Thursday, April 27th at 1:00 PM. This will be a review of the 4th Quarter 2016 PEPPER report for Skilled Nursing Facilities as well as other available...

KanCare Billing Guidance

Is your organization up-to-date on billing procedures for KanCare? Amerigroup has prepared a billing guide for their providers that is great for training new personnel as well as a review for current billers. This...

July 1 Medicaid Rates Announced

Last week KDADS sent out the July 1, 2017 Medicaid Rates. Unfortunately, these rates do not represent a complete restoration of the 4.47% cuts from last year. Many providers were confused to see a...

REMINDER: KanCare All MCO HCBS Training

The managed care organizations (MCOs) are providing collaborative sessions to train Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) providers in September 2017. For information on these sessions, reference HCBS Bulletin 17179. Preregistration is required. Currently,...

Updated Data for the Medicaid Cost Report Navigator Is Here

  The Medicaid Cost Report Navigator with 2016 Cost Report data is now available on the LeadingAge Kansas website. This valuable tool enables members to compare their data with other organizations based on tax status,...

Provider Input Period KanCare Renewal

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is offering opportunities to attend public meetings regarding the State’s proposed renewal of the KanCare program and to provide input and ideas for changes. Anyone may provide...