Need Reimbursement Help?

Lisa Stuever, Reimbursement Specialist, is here for you! Lisa works hard to find answers for you on Medicaid, Medicare and other reimbursement issues.  She can help you with the Advance Payment Protocol and give...

Public Notice and Comment Period KanCare Extension

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is offering additional opportunities to attend public hearings regarding the State’s proposed one-year extension of the KanCare program and to provide comments about the extension request...

KanCare Clearinghouse Tips

LeadingAge Kansas staff continue to get feedback from members about KanCare Clearinghouse issues.  Please be assured we are discussing your issues with KDHE and KDADS personnel. Members that are making progress with this issue...

KDHE Medicaid Backlog Update

Mike Randol and Christiane Swartz from KDHE hosted a meeting last week to update us on the progress they are making with the Medicaid backlog, advance payments, areas of improvement at the Clearinghouse, and...

Latest Medicaid Rates Released

KDADS released the latest Medicaid rate schedules on Friday, December 16th. This was sent out through the new Myers and Stauffer web portal.  If you do not have access to this web portal call (785)...

Civil Monetary Penalties Cap for Medicaid Only

Did you know that if you are not a Medicare Certified provider, only Medicaid, that there is a cap of $10,000 on any Civil Monetary Penalty (CMP) you receive for a survey or complaint...

Upcoming KEES System Upgrade August 18, 2017

LeadingAge Kansas was notified August 11, 2017 that KDHE is launching its final upgrade of the Kansas Eligibility Enforcement System (KEES) on August 18th. KEES is the computer system that allows Kansans to apply...

Payroll Based Journaling

The first Mandatory Reporting Period for Payroll Based Journaling (PBJ) was November 14th. Hopefully everyone has met this deadline and has found their footing with the important requirement. Clifton Larson Allen gave a great presentation at...

Medicare Learning Network

Have you visited the Medicare Learning Network (MLN) Site? This CMS resource offers online training and events to keep you up to date on the latest Medicare topics.  This is great way to train...

KanCare Renewal Comment Period

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is offering opportunities to attend public meetings regarding the State’s proposed renewal of the KanCare program and to provide comments about the renewal request application. ...

New Web Portal for Resident Roster Report

The new web portal for retrieving and amending the Resident Roster Report and for retrieving the Rate Schedule is now functional. KDADS sent a letter to all providers November 10th with details. They also attached a...

KanCare All MCO Training

KanCare is hosting their Fall all managed care organization (MCO) collaborative session providing training for all providers. In addition to the training, each MCO will be available in breakout sessions all day.   Topics include:...