Transition to New Medicare Numbers and Cards

CMS, through the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs), recently mailed letters to all Medicare Fee-For-Service providers about their work to assign new numbers (known as Medicare Beneficiary Identifiers or MBIs) and issue new Medicare cards...

KanCare Renewal Comment Period

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) is offering opportunities to attend public meetings regarding the State’s proposed renewal of the KanCare program and to provide comments about the renewal request application. ...

Medicaid Cost Report Audit Information

Lisa Stuever, LeadingAge Kansas Reimbursement Specialist, met with KDADS Medicaid Audit personnel to discuss the increase in Medicaid Cost Report Audits that have been reported by LeadingAge Kansas members. They indicated that the increase...

KanCare Clearinghouse Update

Lisa Stuever and Rachel Monger from LeadingAge Kansas, along with KACE and KHCA, met with Chris Swartz, KDHE Deputy Director of the KanCare Clearinghouse to discuss continued issues LeadingAge Kansas members are experiencing with...

New Medicare Card Design Revealed by CMS

Have you noticed the new advertisement from Medicare on TV? Titled “Guard Your Card,” the ad features seniors emphasizing the need to guard their Medicare card and number. It also references the new Medicare...

KanCare All MCO Training

KanCare is hosting their Fall all managed care organization (MCO) collaborative session providing training for all providers. In addition to the training, each MCO will be available in breakout sessions all day.   Topics include:...

REMINDER: KanCare All MCO HCBS Training

The managed care organizations (MCOs) are providing collaborative sessions to train Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) providers in September 2017. For information on these sessions, reference HCBS Bulletin 17179. Preregistration is required. Currently,...

KanCare Issues – Your Input is Needed

LeadingAge Kansas has received input on KanCare issues from several members over the last week regarding issues with the KanCare Clearinghouse. In preparation for meeting with them we would like to hear from even...

Medicare Learning Network Publications and Training

The Medicare Learning Network has numerous publications that help Medicare providers keep up with training and changes in Medicare. For example, with flu season coming, this is a good time to review your immunization...

KanCare Clearinghouse Issues

LeadingAge Kansas continues to receive reports from members of issues with the KanCare Clearinghouse, despite KDHE’s statements that they have it all worked out. Issues that are being reported include continued requests for records...

2017 Autumn Medicaid Training Opportunities

KDHE Division of Health Care Finance is offering four Medicaid Training courses beginning September 19, 2017. The courses in this curriculum provide an overview of Medicaid, Waivers, Social Security Disability & Working Healthy/WORK, and...

Upcoming KEES System Upgrade August 18, 2017

LeadingAge Kansas was notified August 11, 2017 that KDHE is launching its final upgrade of the Kansas Eligibility Enforcement System (KEES) on August 18th. KEES is the computer system that allows Kansans to apply...