LeadingAge National Names New Director of HCBS

Welcome Brendan Flinn - LeadingAge's new Director of HCBS! Brendan will develop, refine and implement LeadingAge’s national agenda for HCBS and to help LeadingAge members plan and implement community service programs. Before coming to LeadingAge, Brendan...

CMS Announces Participants in New Value-Based Bundled Payment Model

CMS has signed agreements with 1,299 entities to participate in the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement-Advanced (BPCI-A) Model. The participating entities will receive bundled payments for certain episodes of care as an alternative to...

CMS Publishes CY 2019 Medicare Premiums and Deductibles

On October 12, 2018, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) published the Calendar Year (CY) 2019 premiums, deductibles and coinsurance amounts for Medicare Part A and Part B services. Medicare Part A -...

KDHE Facilitator Form for Providers

At the recent Fall Policy & Leadership Conference, Kim Burnam, KDHE Director of Eligibility, discussed the importance of the Facilitator Form for members assisting residents with their Medicaid Application process. This form will allow...

33rd SNF Cost Comparison Report — An Industry in Transition

In this 33rd edition of the Skilled Nursing Facility Cost Comparison Report, it is clear to see that the environment is in the midst of a monumental transformation. In last year’s report, our data exposed...

Aetna Better Health of Kansas Update

KanCare began sending out letters last week to all Amerigroup members informing them that they will be assigned to Aetna Better Health of Kansas as their KanCare MCO effective January 1, 2019. The letter...

New Navigator Data Available

The latest Medicaid Cost Report Navigator featuring 2017 data is now available for download on the LeadingAge Kansas website. This is a great tool for members to compare themselves to their peers and statewide...

2018-KDHE/DHCF Salina Medicaid Training Opportunity

KDHE Division of Health Care Finance is offering Medicaid Training courses in Salina, KS on October 19, 2018. Registration is first-come, first served, and must be done using the attached registration form. All training sessions will...

KDHE Division of Health Care Finance Medicaid Training

KDHE Division of Health Care Finance is offering five Medicaid Training courses beginning October 16, 2018. Due to limitations on their presenters' time, they will not be offering their regular 4-week Medicaid Training Session....

Quality Apex Features Nurses Prefer

CMS requires nursing homes to have a fully implemented QAPI process by November 2019. Quality Apex gives your organization the ability to implement this requirement. For example, a QAPI plan can be created with...

Latest Clearinghouse Newsletter Available

The KDHE Clearinghouse has published their September 2018 issue of Long Term Care News. This issue highlights communication issues and suggestions. It also has information about their quarterly survey that was sent out to...

Has Your 5 Star Rating Gone Down Due to Payroll-Based Journaling

Several members have contacted LeadingAge Kansas regarding a decrease in their 5 Star Rating due to PBJ. Most of them feel that their data at CMS is incorrect. According to a recent article on...