Ziegler Article on Mission Vs. Margin

In their latest Z-News, Ziegler has offered some thought-provoking talking points around the “no margin, no mission” debate. Now that COVID is more in the rearview mirror, organizations are reassessing their assumptions about the importance...

Larksfield Place Hosts Pumpkin Drop

Monday, Larksfield Place in Wichita hosted their  7th Annual Pumpkin Drop and Chili Feed.  It’s a fun way to do away with those shrinking pumpkins and featured guests, residents, grandchildren and staff dropping pumpkins from...

COVID-19/Novel Coronavirus Update for 11-9-2022

STATE NEWS  Nursing Facility ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Payment Update KDADS has confirmed that by the end of next week they will have sent out over $10 million in ARPA payments to 214 nursing homes...