Line Listings in NHSN for Flu Vax Reporting Fixed

The National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) system sent notice to users on May 4th that they were aware of recent issues with line listing reports in the Healthcare Personnel Safety (HPS) Component of NHSN...

Three Regional Roundtables Remain: Abilene, Hays, and Lenexa 

Regional Roundtables are off to a great start in Dodge City and Wichita this week! There is still time to join us in Abilene, Hays, and Lenexa to discuss legislative and advocacy updates, hear...

Weekly Recaps: May 8, 2024 

Each week, LeadingAge experts curate timely, helpful resources on a variety of topics important to aging services providers.  Affordable Housing Weekly Update. Here is your weekly Affordable Housing Update.  Nursing Home Weekly Update. Here is your...

Save the Date June 15th – Resident Care Workshop

We are getting a lot of calls about helping licensed administrators get their Resident Care Hours.  Well, LeadingAge Kansas to the rescue! We will be hosting a Resident Care Workshop full of Resident Care hours,...

Calling Out White House on Disparaging Nursing Home Characterizations 

In a May 2 letter, LeadingAge president and CEO Katie Smith Sloan expressed deep dismay and concern over the Administration’s mischaracterization of nursing homes and continued inflammatory comments regarding the quality of care provided...

CMS Update IDR and Enforcement Procedures for Home Health and Hospice 

On May 3, the Center for Clinical Standards and Quality at CMS issued a memo revising the State Operations Manual (SOM) Chapter 10 to update informal dispute resolution process and enforcement procedures for hospice...

Kansas City Area Members Save the Date for Candidate Meet and Greet 

LeadingAge Kansas will be co-hosting a candidate meet and greet for healthcare providers in the Kansas City area on Tuesday, June 25 from 5:30-7:30 PM. Other healthcare providers participating in the event include Kansas...

Home Health CY2025 Proposed Rule Goes to OMB 

On April 26, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services submitted CY 2025 Home Health Prospective Payment System Rate Update and Home Infusion Therapy and Home IVIG Services Payment Update (CMS-1803) proposed rule to...

LeadingAge Kansas To Attend Monthly Stakeholder Calls with KDHE Eligibility and KDADS Next Week 

Next Friday, May 17, LeadingAge Kansas will attend stakeholder calls with both the KDHE Eligibility and KDADS teams to discuss issues, concerns, successes and more. If there is something you would like an update...

Encourage Your Team Members to Apply for the Foundation Scholarship!

Applications are being accepted through June 1, 2024. We invite you to share this promotional flyer with your team and encourage eligible employees to apply.  To learn more about the scholarship, view past winners, or apply, visit our...

KDADS Sends Provider Email with Update on Heightened Scrutiny for Final Settings Rule 

An email was sent to providers and stakeholders last week outlining KDADS intent to follow more flexible guidelines for the heightened scrutiny process for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Final Settings Rule. No...

Recording and Materials from Staffing Mandate Webinar 

As of May 1, LeadingAge’s April 30 Policy Update: Federal Staffing Mandate Replay (recording and materials) is now available on the LeadingAge Learning Hub. For members, the webinar is free of charge. If a...