Home Week of May 22nd

Week of May 22nd

NEW ACTION ALERT: Support Legislation to Help Attract, Recruit, Retain Long-Term Care Workers 

Please take action and urge your U.S. representatives to cosponsor the Nursing Home Workforce Support and Expansion Act (H.R. 7929). Introduced by Representatives Steven Horsford (D-NV) and Danny Davis (D-IL), this bill would provide...

Medicaid Application Count Updates from KDHE 

The Eligibility staff with KDHE met with associations last Friday to provide updates on aged applications and other issues surrounding the eligibility process. As of May 17, 2024, there are 296 long-term care applications...

KING Summer Zoom Calls Scheduled 

KING Members can now register for the Summer Zoom calls.  Dates for the summer series are June 11, July 9, and August 13. All Member Zoom calls begin at 1:00 PM. Mike Entz, KING...

Straight Talk on Leadership: Karen Sturchio

If you weren’t able to hear Karen’s candid and edifying conversation with Linda Couch on the recent national policy call, you can read the highlights here. Since 2016, Karen has led a turn-around effort at...

No Cost Live, Virtual Active Shooter Prevention and Response Trainings Start June 12 

An active shooter in the long-term setting is something no one wants to think about, but preparation for this type of emergency is a must. With the additional challenges for preparation and response in...

Tell CMS Not to Finalize Expanded CMP Authority 

The FY 2025 SNF PPS proposed rule includes a provision that would give CMS authority to enforce more civil money penalties (CMPs) against nursing homes. If finalized, CMS could enforce multiple CMPs per survey...

Opportunity To Be Part of Age-Friendly Kansas Initiative 

As the demographics of our population continue to shift, public health should elevate healthy aging as a core public health function. Age-Friendly Kansas is a new statewide initiative designed to unite aging and public...

DOL Announces $15 Million in “Critical Sector Job Quality Grants” Which Targets Caregiving Opportunities

On May 17th, the U.S. Department of Labor announced the availability of $15 million in competitive grants to help address challenges the workforce system faces in training people for jobs in critical sectors, including...

Joint Provider Fire Marshal Training

At the completion of this event, the participant will be able to: Know the top fire safety citations in adult care homes with a view toward lessening their prevalence. Identify key differences between the 2012 LSC...

In-Person Resident to Staff Aggression Training Coming to Salina and Garden City

Join us on June 13th in Salina or June 14th in Garden City for this unique, no cost OSHA grant funded training.Amy Siple and Nathan Ward will teach attendees prevention, de-escalation, and response techniques...

Testing Compliance for Asymptomatic Individuals

With the PHE ending, testing guidance from CMS is defaulting to CDC recommendations. Currently, the CDC is still recommending a series of viral testing for asymptomatic individuals who have been exposed to an individual...

Senate Introduces Bill to Fix CNA Training Lockout

On May 18th, Senators Mark Warner (D-VA) and Tim Scott (R-SC) re-introduced the Ensuring Seniors’ Access to Quality Care Act, a bill to fix the two-year Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) training lockout. This legislation...