REAC Physical Inspections: A Review of Protocol Changes and Current Expectations

In 1998, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) began doing physical inspections for all Section 8 housing, public housing, HUD-insured multifamily housing, and other HUD assisted housing (collectively, HUD housing) using...

Housing Happenings Call – Excellent Benefit for LeadingAge Kansas Housing Members

LeadingAge Kansas along with LeadingAge Maryland and Ohio are excited to offer this educational teleconference series designed specifically for affordable housing professionals. The calls are short, practical learning sessions for service coordinators, property managers, and...

Articles From LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMASS Boston Newsletter

First Impressions in Service-Enhanced Housing Refining Housing Plus Services in Connecticut

HUD Says December, January Renewals Must Rely on Reserves

LeadingAge has learned the likely fate of the 650 contracts that were up for renewal in December but were not renewed prior to the shutdown, which began on December 22.  Over a third of...

Fair Housing

  April is Fair Housing month. Here are few sources of information on frequently discussed fair housing issues among LeadingAge Kansas members: LeadingAge Fair Housing info Fair Housing Institute Fair Housing First Consider subscribing to a fair...

Great Resource for Service Coordinators, Property Managers, and Other Individuals Who Work With Older...

#HousingHappenings LeadingAge Kansas, Maryland and DC are excited to offer this educational teleconference series designed specifically for affordable housing professionals at no charge to members.  What: Short, practical learning sessions for service coordinators, property managers, and other individuals who...

Late Answers to Questions as Section 202 Deadline Approaches

The August 28th Section 202 notice of funding availability (NOFA) submission deadline is close at hand, and there are several questions that have been asked and answered, including an updated FAQ on 7/26. Several...

Videos on RAD for PRAC

HUD has released the first of a series of short videos on RAD for PRAC. The first video, PRACtical RAD: Overview, describes the benefits of conversion to the Section 8 platform via HUD’s Rental Assistance Demonstration...

HUD Multifamily Income Limits Changed on April 24th

On Wednesday, April 24th, 2019 HUD released the 2019 Income Limits for Multifamily housing. All new certifications effective 4/24/2019 or later will include the new income limits. The new tax credit income limits are available on the same site...

Upcoming Housing Happenings Calls

This is a free service to LeadingAge Kansas Housing/HUD members. This is a partnership between Kansas and Maryland with assistance from LeadingAge National. Check out the upcoming topics/dates and times. All times are Eastern. Wednesday, October...

HUD Under Continuing Resolution Until December 7

Unable to reach a deal on a four-bill appropriations package, Congress has passed a continuing resolution to keep HUD and some other federal programs funded through December 7. While Congress is poised to enact...

HUD Issues Memo on Partial Government Shutdown

HUD recently issued HUD Contingency Plan Memo with some additional information regarding the Partial Government Shutdown.   The most relevant portion concerning payment follows here (we’ll post the memo online shortly so you can see the whole...