Timeline Set for Parties to Submit Motions in Suit Challenging CMS Nursing Home Minimum...

The week of August 13 brought two legal developments relating to the CMS final rule establishing minimum staffing standards for long-term care facilities.   First, the United States District Court for the Northern District of...

Wichita Area Providers: RSVP To Attend Wichita Area Candidate Meet and Greet September 10 

Wichita area providers would have received an email blast last week from Kylee Childs with details on how to RSVP for the Wichita Area Candidate Meet and Greet by emailing ldean@kha-net.org. If you have...

Bob Bethell KanCare Oversight Committee Meets Next Monday and Tuesday 

Select legislators will return to the Capitol on Monday and Tuesday next week for the Bob Bethell KanCare Oversight Committee, which is currently led by Representative Brenda Landwehr. LeadingAge Kansas has submitted testimony and...

Registration for LeadingVoice Advocacy Bootcamp Now Open 

Individuals interested in learning more about grassroots advocacy, the legislative process, and how to assist in making effective, positive change for aging services are welcomed to register for the LeadingVoice Advocacy Bootcamp. Meeting dates...

Reminder To Submit Involuntary Discharges to KDADS by End of August 

During the 2024 legislative session, a policy proviso was passed in the budget requiring all state licensed only long-term care providers such as assisted living, residential healthcare facilities, and home plus residences to submit...

Kansas Advocacy Updates

Take a moment to catch up with our state level government affairs happenings by clicking each of the titles below. State Candidates RSVP to Fall Conference Candidate Luncheon Several candidates have already RSVP’d to attend the...

Weekly Recap: August 14, 2024 

Each week, LeadingAge experts curate timely, helpful resources on a variety of topics important to aging services providers. Affordable Housing Weekly Update. Here is your weekly Affordable Housing Update.  Nursing Home Weekly Update. Here is your Nursing Home...

Federal Appeals Court Upholds Dismissal of Case Challenging HHS Policy on Home Health Aides 

In an opinion issued August 9, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit upheld a federal trial court’s dismissal of a lawsuit alleging that U.S. Department of Health and Human...

Some Providers to get Gold Carded by UHC to Forgo Prior Authorizations 

United Healthcare (UHC) announced it will start a gold carding program on October 1, 2024 that will let certain “qualifying practices” skip requesting prior authorizations for certain services. It is not yet clear if...

OIG Asks for Additional Member Feedback on Concurrent Review (Re-authorizations) 

Office of the Inspector General (OIG) Staff had additional questions about where to find certain data points in a patient’s record or in Medicare Advantage (MA) plan records regarding concurrent review, and situations where...

COVID Test Kits from HHS 

LeadingAge has received many questions about the COVID test kits that were previously being sent to nursing homes and assisted living and were available to affordable senior housing upon request from the Department of...

HealthyBlue Reaching Out to Providers on MCO Contract 

Members have reached out to LeadingAge Kansas about HealthyBlue, the newest MCO contract awardee, asking for providers to sign their MCO contractual agreement. As a reminder, providers are able to choose which of the...