USDOL Elects Not to Defend White Collar Overtime Rule

In a court filing on June 30, 2017, the Department of Labor (DOL) signaled that it would no longer defend a rule promulgated by the DOL under the Obama administration that nearly doubled the salary...

CMS Clarifies Effective Date of Compliance and Ethics Program

CMS finally has amended the regulatory language for the revised Nursing Home Requirements to clarify that the requirement to have a compliance and ethics plan in place has a Phase III deadline (Nov. 28,...

OCR Quick Response Cyber Attack Checklist and Graphic

In the wake of several recent international cyber-attacks focusing on the health care sector, the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has developed a checklist and a corresponding infographic that explains...

New S & C Letter: Formatting for Plans of Correction

On Friday, CMS issued S&C Letter S&C: 17-34-ALL, which provides new guidance regarding the formatting for Plans of Corrections (PoCs)/Allegations of Compliance (AOC).  Specifically: Providers/Suppliers and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) Laboratories will no longer be...

CMS Info on Fire Alarm Testing

The Office of the State Fire Marshal has passed along information from CMS about testing and maintenance in regards to fire alarm system. Testing & Maintenance: All devices connected to your fire alarm system need to...

CMS Reg Explanation: When Discharge Notice Must be Sent to Ombudsman

CMS has released a detailed description and explanation of the new regulatory requirement for sending discharge notices to the long-term care ombudsman. The information was originally published in a May 12, 2017 S &...

KDADS Survey Trends For Nursing Homes and Assisted Living

The most recent survey data is now available for nursing homes and assisted living/residential health care/home plus. Nursing home trends: Annual surveys are still behind, at an average of 15 months out Staffing remains a...

HCBS Training With KanCare MCOs

In September there will be an all MCO collaborative session providing training for Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) providers. In addition to the training each MCO will be available in a breakout sessions all...

CARE Program News

KDADS has updated four of the CARE forms, as well as the Quick Fax tip sheet. They are posted on the KDADS website's Provider page. KDADS has assembled a group of stakeholders to review the CARE manual...

OSHA Delays Electronic Submission of 2016 Form 300A

In a proposed rule published in the Federal Register on June 28th, OSHA stated its intention to delay the July 1, 2017 compliance date for the electronic submission of the 2016 Form 300A report...

Assisted Living Survey Q&A

A member recently asked if there has been increased surveyor scrutiny of assisted living on antipsychotic drugs and resident behaviors being construed as sexual abuse. Answer from Melissa Mille, KDADS Director of Survey & Certification: For antipsychotic...

Register for July 25th CMS Call on Revised Interpretive Guidance and New Survey Process

Registration is now open for the Medicare Learning Network LTC National SNF Provider Call on July 25th at 12:30 PM (Central Time). CMS will be reviewing information about the revised Interpretive Guidance and the new...