Attn: MDS Coordinators – Care Area Assessments

Chapter 4 of the RAI Manual is one of the least read and more important for quality outcomes. A Care Area Assessment (CAA) triggers when an MDS response item is answered in a certain...

Financial Fraud Targeting Older Americans

According to the 2018 Fraud Book , produced by the U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, older Americans are scammed for nearly $3 billion each year. The top 10 scams reported in 2017 were: IRS Impersonation...

Governor Colyer Signs Executive Order to Create State Alzheimer’s Disease Working Group

LeadingAge Kansas President/CEO was on hand last Friday evening in Wichita when Governor Jeff Colyer signed Executive Order 18-14. The Working Group is charged to: Assess the current and future impact of Alzheimer’s disease on...

Office of the State Fire Marshal latest issue of Prevention Highlights

New issue of Prevention Highlights is out. Lots of great fire safety and prevention information to share.

CMS Life Safety Guidance Compilation

The Kansas Fire Marshal’s office has put together a compilation of articles that CMS has sent out in their Fired Up newsletter section.  Read the compilation.

Seeking Comments on Proposed FY 2019 SNF PPS

CMS has issued a proposed FY 2019 SNF PPS rule that has a number of very important payment and policy implications.  LeadingAge national is soliciting member input on the rule for incorporation into their...

Multi-State Nurse Licensure in 2019

After passage by the 2018 legislature, Kansas has joined the Nurse Licensure Compact. This means that Kansas nurses will be able to obtain a multi-state license that allows them to practice in the other...

Signing Ceremony for Alzheimer’s Disease State Plan: You’re Invited

On June 1st Governor Colyer will be in Wichita to sign an Executive Order authorizing the creation of a work group to write the state Alzheimer's plan for Kansas. The Alzheimer’s Association is hosting...

CMS Provides Guidance on Volunteers, Contractors and Visitors in Nursing Homes

CMS recently issued the following guidance on volunteers, contractors and visitors in nursing homes: CMS regulations differentiate between volunteers that provide care and services to residents, and volunteers who socialize with residents. In the...

CMS Announces Agency’s First Rural Health Strategy

Earlier this month, CMS released the agency's first Rural Health Strategy  intended to provide a proactive approach on health care issues to ensure that individuals who live in rural America have access to high quality,...

Sec. Keck Issues Message About Provider Response to Ad

Many of you saw the KDADS ad for surveyors posted last week on Facebook. It contained verbiage that many of our members found troubling. The ad was taken down immediately once we contacted the...

KDADS Needs IDR Panel Members

KDADS is seeking nursing home administrators, directors of nursing, and assistant directors of nursing to serve as panel members for the IDR process. If you are interested in serving, please send your contact information to Lacey Hunter.