Essentials of the DON Role Training: Infection Prevention/Control, Regulations and More – June 28th...
In this session, you’ll explore infection prevention and control programs, regulations relevant to the nursing department and Human Resources topics the DON might be responsible for and needs to understand. Administrators and DONs with...
Last Chance to Register: PBJ for SNF and CCRC Webinar Happening Next Week –...
As you know, the PBJ system requires facilities to report hours worked by all employees in certain categories, including direct care staff, administrative staff, and contract staff and the submitted data has a significant...
Hands-On Caregiver Workshop: Registration Deadline is May 30th
It is all about care! Resident care and caregiver self-care will be the focus of the day. Attendees will learn strategies, skills, and techniques for providing quality care for residents (and themselves). Training sessions include:
Understanding and...
In-Person Resident to Staff Aggression Training Coming to Salina and Garden City
Join us on June 13th in Salina or June 14th in Garden City for this unique, no cost OSHA grant funded training.Amy Siple and Nathan Ward will teach attendees prevention, de-escalation, and response techniques...
Person-Centered and Dementia Care Training at Hands-On Caregiver Workshop – June 13th
We are excited to have this event for the first time since 2019 and hope to see caregivers from your building attend. During the training caregivers will learn from topic experts, connect with peers,...
Payroll Based Journaling (PBJ) for SNF and CCRC Webinar – June 6th
As you know, the PBJ system requires facilities to report hours worked by all employees in certain categories, including direct care staff, administrative staff, and contract staff and the submitted data has a significant...
MDS Changes That Are Coming This Fall: Learn What You Can Do to Be...
You have heard MDS changes are coming, but what are they and what should you be doing to prepare? This webinar will help you find out. CMS has not revised the MDS since the...
Essentials of the DON Role Training: Infection Prevention/Control, Regulations and More – June 28th...
In this session, you will explore infection prevention and control programs, regulations relevant to the nursing department and Human Resources topics the DON might be responsible for and needs to understand. Administrators and DONs...
No Cost, High Quality Resident to Staff Aggression Prevention and Response Training – Multiple...
Get your team registered to be part of this NO COST grant training that others are saying is “excellent,” “the best I’ve been to,” and “engaging and useful.” We have in-person, live virtual and...
Looking to do Some Training on Your Own time?
LeadingAge Kansas has a couple of learn on your own time sessions for CE.
We have two classes available but will be adding more soon. Check out the “How to Be the Best Boss Your...
Hands-On Caregiver Workshop is Back!
Looking for ways to show your direct care staff how much you value the work they do? Send them to the Hands-On Caregiver workshop where they will learn from topic experts, connect with peers...
Learn About the MDS Changes that are Coming this Fall
You have heard MDS changes are coming, but what are they and what should you be doing to prepare? This webinar will help you find out. CMS has not revised the MDS since the...