Thank You to the LeadingAge Kansas Members Who Have Already Renewed

We appreciate you being a part of LeadingAge Kansas and are glad you utilized the discount for your membership renewal. If you believe your organization is missing from the list please contact Hayley Spicer at...

LeadingAge Kansas Employee Benefits Inc.

Healthcare cost-containment strategies are essential to protecting the financial health of your community and employees. Increasing healthcare costs are forcing employers into policy changes that restrict healthcare provider networks, piling additional out-of-pocket costs onto...

Apply for the Center for Leadership – Due July 1st

We are still accepting applications for the Center for Leadership program through July 1st. This is a great networking and growth opportunity that you won’t find anywhere else in Kansas. The year-long program has...

Don’t Miss Your Opportunity: Tomorrow is the Deadline to Apply for the Center for...

July 1st is the due date for the Center for Leadership Application for the 2021/2022 class. In order to hold the class, we must have at least 12 individuals. Don't miss this year's class!...

NH Advisory Group Recap

Thanks to all who participated in last week’s Nursing Home Advisory Group call. The call featured a presentation on the OSHA ETS and member discussion on essential caregivers. A summary of the call is...

2024 Millage Form Due June 16th

To determine the member dues for 2024 please provide your Program Service Revenue (Millage) to LeadingAge Kansas.  Each year, LeadingAge Kansas asks members to provide information to help us determine dues for the following calendar...

Wichita Eagle Editorial Board in Support of Kansas Nursing Homes

The Wichita Eagle Editorial Board came out in a show of support for Kansas nursing homes last Sunday, after LeadingAge Kansas President/CEO Debra Zehr paid them a visit recently to discuss the impacts of...

LeadingAge Kansas Foundation Board Retirements and Election

The LeadingAge Kansas Foundation (formerly ASTRA) board met on August 31st in Topeka. Chair Jean Bryant and Judy Kregar, retired from the board, completed their tenure on the board. Our thanks to these fine...

If Your Organization is in Critical Distress…

It’s rocky out there for small, stand-alone nonprofits.  Do you have a REAL concern that your organization may have to close your doors in the next 30 days to 3 years?  Well before you...

LeadingAge Submits Comments on Proposed Medicare Advantage Rules

LeadingAge submitted comments to CMS today on its proposed CY2023 rules for MA, SNP and Part D plans. Here is an article that discusses some highlights from the rule and our comments. 

Participate in Video Share Day for Older Americans Month (OAM)

Let’s flood the internet over the next week with Life Changes, one of the new videos from our Keep Leading Life public service campaign. On our first Video Share Day, we made waves–let’s reach even more older...

Call for Applications to the LeadingAge Kansas Board of Directors

The Association is seeking applicants to serve as part of our high-functioning, effective and forward-thinking Board of Directors.   The Nominating Committee is charged with screening and selecting the slate of Candidates for election at the...