LeadingAge Kansas Board and Officer Elections Next Week: Meet the Candidates

The 2021 Nominating Committee is pleased to announce this year’s slate of candidates for election at the Spring membership business meeting at 10:15 AM on Thursday, April 22nd. For first 3-year terms: Tammy Pettyjohn, SunPorch-Smith CenterCharlotte...

Please Keep Us Up to Date on Your Major Staffing Changes

In an effort to keep our contact information current with our member organizations and their staff, we request that you notify Janet Powell as soon as possible when you have significant staffing changes (i.e. staff leave...

Apply Today for the Foundation Scholarship

As you create your summer to-do list, make sure to include applying for the LeadingAge Kansas Foundation scholarship or supporting others in your organization as they apply.  The scholarship application window is open until...

Have You Submitted Your Millage Form Yet? They Are Due July 31, 2019

Each year, LeadingAge Kansas asks members to provide information to help us determine dues for the following calendar year. Our dues are based upon a millage formula and figured based upon your program service...

LeadingAge Kansas Announces KAMMCO Endorsement

The LeadingAge Kansas Board has approved the association’s first-ever endorsement arrangement with a company that is not directly owned or affiliated with the association, KAMMCO. KAMMCO is a member-directed insurance company providing innovative and flexible liability...

Does Your Health Plan Balance Cost with Needs of Your Employees? 

Does Your Health Plan Balance Cost with Needs of Your Employees? Check out EBI, Your Association’s Health Plan. EBI is the nonprofit LeadingAge Kansas self-funded, multiple employer health plan. It was formed after 2+ years...

Get a 2% Discount on LeadingAge Kansas Dues

Pay in full by January 15, 2021 to receive a 2% discount on your dues for the year. If you have questions or need another copy of your invoice, please contact Tina Andres at tina@leadingagekansas.org .

Welcome to Joshua Johnson, Our New Reimbursement Specialist Consultant

Welcome to Joshua Johnson, our new Reimbursement Specialist Consultant starting March 1, 2019. Joshua has been in the field for twelve years, working in both the not-for-profit and for profit sectors.  He has served...

Millennial Caregiving in the News

Over the past several weeks there has been an increase in media coverage on millennial caregiving. Help us keep the momentum and conversation going-share these news articles featuring millennials and long-term services and supports...

Trauma-Informed Care Resources

Trauma Informed Care (TIC) will be a requirement as part of the CMS, Phase 3, Requirements of Participation, implemented, November 29th, 2019. The treatment framework and structure of trauma-informed care involves understanding, responding and recognizing...

Call for Nominations for LeadingAge Kansas Board of Directors – Deadline March 20th

The 2020 Nominating Committee is seeking qualified candidates to be considered for service on the LeadingAge Kansas Board. In April 2020, these LeadingAge Kansas Board positions will be open: Chair Elect (must be an current...

Millage Information is Due July 31, 2020 – Have You Completed Yours?

We are now collecting Program Service Revenue (Millage) to determine member dues for 2021 through one of two easy methods. Responses are due July 31, 2020. Click to Complete the 2020 Millage Form – OR — Download...