CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule Integrated Health Systems Implications

The CMS EP Rule includes a provision for “integrated healthcare systems.” Integrated healthcare systems consist of multiple separately certified healthcare facilities under one parent organization. If a regulated facility is part of an integrated...

Candidates for Election to LeadingAge Kansas Board

The 2018 Nominating Committee met recently and selected the following slate of candidates for election at the membership meeting on April 25th, in conjunction with the Spring Conference: Chair – Crystal Packard, Administrator of Good...

Congratulations to Judith Wineland

Congratulations to Judith Wineland, Health Care Administrator at Wesley Towers in Hutchinson, on her retirement. Thank you for your many years of service to older Kansans!

Cybersecurity Resources

These  Cybersecurity Resources were created to help LeadingAge members and other aging services organizations understand cybersecurity threats, how to mitigate them, and how to respond if attacked. The resources include a Cybersecurity White Paper, case...