The Regulatory Track at this year’s Spring Conference has so much to offer such as a Recap of RoP Phase 1 & 2, New Survey Process Panel, Facility Resource Assessment and Emergency Preparedness.

Four Breakout Session Options:

  1. NOW THAT IT IS HERE, HOW IS IT GOING? – REVIEWING THE REQUIREMENTS OF PARTICIPATION FROM PHASE 1 AND PHASE 2 APRIL 24TH | 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM Leah Killian-Smith, Pathway HealthThis session will provide participants with information on how the surveyors are interpreting the new regulations and what this means for providers in the new survey process. Take this opportunity to discuss the difference between the old and new regulations and how it’s affecting you.
  2. NEW SURVEY PROCESS MEMBER PANEL WITH PATHWAY HEALTH APRIL 24TH | 2:45 PM – 4:00 PM Moderator: Leah Killian-Smith, Pathway HealthIn this session, LeadingAge Kansas members will partner with Pathway Health to discuss their knowledge regarding the New Survey Process. Take this opportunity to prepare yourself and your organization based upon the experiences of your peers. Pathway Health will serve as an expert source for this challenging endeavor, we are all trying to succeed in.
  3. NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION: FACILITY RESOURCE ASSESSMENT APRIL 25TH | 10:45 AM – 11:45 AM Leah Killian-Smith, Pathway HealthJoin us for an information packed presentation highlighting the changes in the Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Reform of Requirements for Long-Term Care Facilities that specifically addresses the key items necessary in the Facility Resource Assessment. You won’t want to miss this engaging and information-packed program filled with key strategies for implementing a Facility Resource Assessment that is designed to determine the resources necessary for both day-to-day care and for emergency situations.
  4. WHAT’S THIS EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS THING? APRIL 25TH | 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM Mike McNulty, KDHEJoin Mike McNulty, Deputy Preparedness Director with KDHE for a session to discuss the major points of the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule. Most importantly the methods to increase your organization’s emergency preparedness will also be included.

Learn more and register now!

Take Note! Room Block Extended to April 13th

You have two ways to book:

Please contact Hayley Spicer if you have any trouble booking.

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Stephanie Gfeller, MS, LACHA is the Director of Education and Leadership. Stephanie joined the association in 2019 and oversees the development of our education programs, writes and manages all of our federal grant programs, and leads our Center for Leadership program. With her master’s degree in Gerontology from Kansas State University, adult care home administrator license, experience as a researcher and instructor at the K State Center on Aging, and endless creativity, Stephanie is ideally suited to her leadership role in our field. Outside of work Stephanie enjoys reading, supporting her kids at all their activities, serving as a 4-H club leader, and being outside helping on her family farm. You can reach Stephanie directly at 785.670.8047.