Whether you’re a tax-rated employer who recently received a notice of first quarter unemployment taxes payable to the state, or you’re a direct reimbursing employer looking to ensure financial stability, UST has a solution for you. Last year, UST’s program participants saved more than $25.1 million on unemployment claims costs, and utilized over $1 million in HR services… at no additional cost. With unemployment claims being so unpredictable, taking the time to review your unemployment costs and funding options as a 501(c)(3) is vital to maintaining the welfare of your nonprofit, employees and mission. As you recall, the last recession was detrimental to the nonprofit sector—so it’s crucial that you do your due diligence today to ensure financial security in advance of the next economic downturn. UST offers nonprofits, including many LeadingAge Kansas members, an extensive variety of cost-saving services, including administrative support, unemployment insurance, state-specific claims advice, a live HR hotline, online employee training courses, e-Filing capabilities, outplacement services and more. Fill out the Unemployment Cost Analysis form online or call UST directly at 888-249-4788 to see which UST program will best suit your organization’s workforce needs.