LeadingAge has partnered with Judy Wilhide Brandt to offer an upcoming webinar (August 22, 2 – 3 p.m. eastern) on the forthcoming Patient-Driven Payment Model.

This Webinar will outline what nursing home providers should do to prepare for implementation of the final PDPM rule and in October 2019.

The Patient-Driven Payment Model (PDPM) represents the future of Medicare payment and will rely heavily on beneficiary clinical characteristics. This means changes to the number and frequency of Minimum Data Set (MDS) assessments, more emphasis on newer sections of the MDS (particularly Section GG), and the need to gain competence in ICD-10 coding.

  • Consider the differences in case-mix classifications from the current RUG-IV system to the PDPM system.
  • Examine changes to the MDS assessment schedule and areas of unique focus such as Section GG for functional abilities.
  • Understand the ICD-10 procedural codes that classifies residents into clinical categories for payment purposes under PDPM.

Here is the link for more information and registration.