Note: This is the second in a three-part series. Click here to read the first article in the Targeting Millennials series.

It’s a lesson many recruiters and hiring managers are learning the hard way: You can’t reach today’s best job candidates by using yesterday’s methods. If you want to get the attention of the coveted Millennial generation and grow your workforce with this up-and-coming demographic, you’re going to have to change your recruiting tactics.

Our first article covered how to ensure that your company was the kind of organization a Millennial would want to work for. For this one, we’re going to focus on how to get the attention of Millennials so you can get them in the door and on your payroll.

Revamp Your Website
Millennials don’t just browse the classifieds. They want to know as much as possible about a company before they even think about applying for a job there. So what’s the first thing they’re going to do? Google you. And, provided it’s SEO-friendly, googling your company will take them to your website — so make sure that it’s up to date and that it’s an excellent and accurate representation of your organization.

Think of your website as your company’s online ambassador. It’s the quickest, easiest way to get an impression of what your organization is like. A first-time visitor should be able to learn anything they want to know about your company and its culture within a matter of minutes. Core values, company size, leadership — it should all be right there at their fingertips. And speaking of fingertips….

Make It Mobile
How does your site look on a mobile device? Because that’s how 89% of job seekers are going to see it, according to an article featured on The internet is no longer tied down to desktops or laptops; it’s everywhere you are. Sit-down restaurants, fast food places, department stores, city parks, community centers — just about everywhere you can think of is offering free wi-fi these days, and most cell phone carriers are offering expanded and more affordable data plans to keep everyone online while they’re on the go.

If your website — including your careers page — doesn’t display well on a mobile device, you’re likely missing out on dozens of potential job applicants. Invest the time and the money into a site that works on mobile.

Embrace Social Media
When marketing to Millennials, traditional advertising avenues aren’t going to be as effective as you’re used to. These job seekers crave engagement. They crave a story they can be a part of. They crave conversations; they want you to talk with them, not to them. And that’s the beauty of social media. It can foster conversations in ways previously unthinkable. Social media gives your company the chance to not only engage with potential residents and their families, but also with potential employees. Share news about your organization on Facebook. Tweet out 140-character nuggets of knowledge. Post job openings and opportunities to LinkedIn. Social media is just another public forum that allows you to reach out to your community and improve your name recognition and reputation. Don’t ignore it.

Be Respectful & Follow Up
When Millennials are looking for a job, they care about more than just compensation and culture. Your company’s character matters. They’ll ask around. They’ll look up your organization on Glassdoor and other company review sites. They want to work for companies with a reputation for being honest, charitable, and — most importantly here — considerate. When someone applies for a job at your company, be sure to follow up with them. Send them an email letting them know you received their application. If they make it to the interview stage, but you ultimately decide to go with another candidate, reach out to them and let them know the position has been filled. Even bad news is better than no news, and showing them the respect of a follow-up will enhance word of mouth about your care community.

Long story short, Millennials have grown up in the digital age. If you’re serious about reaching them, that’s how you do it. Take care to cultivate your company’s online presence, and you’ll be much more noticeable in the eyes of the next generation of job seekers. 

For more information on Millennials in the workplace, watch our free webinar with Cara Silletto, President of Crescendo Strategies.

This article was reprinted with permission from Vikus for LeadingAge.